Are the Illuminati taking over the world? – What I will be writing on is a controversial topic, one that cannot be answered easily. If a person states that the Illuminati are planning to rule the world, many in the media immediately label the person as a “conspiracy theorist” with the wild-eyed look of Mel Gibson in the movie of that name. Or accuse them of “fanatical fundamentalist Christianity” as if that were an epithet (oh, that we lived in a world where that was considered highest praise instead of a term of shame).
On the other hand, to ignore the evidence that appears to be accumulating worldwide would take either a large dose of denial (which is apparently available in maximum dosages in many media quarters) or a desire to ignore the obvious.
Other factors also complicate answering this question readily.
1. Members who are survivors of this group, and who leave, are reporting what they were taught within the text of cult programming. It can be difficult at times to separate cult rhetoric from the actualities that are occurring, or events may be interpreted with a bias due to the programming.
2. People will also be influenced by other factors, including : their core beliefs about humanity, religious faith, the nature of good and evil, and the possibility of organized abuse on a global level.
I readily admit to all of the biases above, and ask that the reader be aware of this. I am still trying to undo the influence of a lifetime of being taught lies, lies which I once believed whole heartedly. Lies which make it difficult even now to sort truth from fiction, teaching from fact.
But I also believe it is important to share what I know about the agenda of what I believe is one of the most destructive organizations operating today.
Until the age of 38, I was a programmer with this group, and as such I was aware of much of the underlying agenda behind the programming. I had to be. I was teaching other trainers to do their jobs better, more efficiently, and as a former member of the group, totally “sold out” on the ideology that motivated me, I became excellent at what I did. The reason? I believed that the group would rule the world within my children’s lifetime. In fact, I was told that my children would be leaders in the New order, which would be brought in by the middle of this century.
I was taught this from infancy on. My parents believed it, the leaders around us taught and believed it. And the things that I saw certainly showed great organization and concentrated effort towards this goal.
What things did I see that indicated this? There were several:
I saw a large amount of money being used to fund the projects of this group, funds that poured in from around the northern hemisphere and the world. Couriers were sent to the corners of the globe, and many of the top financial institutions had a vested interest in bringing this “new world order” to pass. This was discussed in leadership meetings; shown in videos to members of the group, such as the grainy films I saw in the 1960s showing a large round table with 13 members sitting around it, and the words “these are your leaders” spoken as the members rose and pledged allegiance to the coming new order. I will not mention the figures shown in this film in order to avoid the claim of “libel” but they were well known, influential, and many were behind the banking system of the modern world.
The Illuminati are funding this coming world order quietly, behind the scenes. They believe that money not only “talks” as the saying goes, but buys media coverage, or silence; protection; and the influence needed to shape our modern world. “As the economy goes, the nation will go,” I was taught in my teens by leaders in this group. They are practical pragmatists, in spite of their occult bent, who understand the motivation that drives much of mankind: greed, or the desire to gain wealth and power.
Other indications of the worldwide agenda:
The Illuminati have been slowly linking themselves with other world wide occult and religious organizations over the years. There are no press releases announcing the merger of Illuminist intellectualism with a local coven’s leadership, but this has been occurring with regularity over the past decades. They have been funding paramilitary groups, extremist groups, and any groups with an agenda that includes hatred, ego-centricism, racism, or other isms to an extreme.
They are funding educational institutions, believing, and rightly so, that the youth of today will be molded by their education. This influence is subtle, but certain classes have been opened up, or certain instructors brought in, due to the subtle influence of quiet businessmen who has contributed heavily over the years. Again, the cynical pragmatism of the Illuminist leadership comes out, as they wield influence with financial power; power gained, unfortunately, through their esoteric practices and contracts with evil.
Local and national media have been influenced for years by their financial pull. I was taught that the average person would be slowly and unknowingly “edged towards” acceptance of more and more immorality and idolatry. All a person needs to do is read or look at a magazine from the 1950’s and compare it to those on the market today; to watch a movie from 50 years ago (when John Wayne was considered “action”) compared to a modern tale of violence and spirituality; or compare the changes in modern television programs to see that the media has had an enormous (and, I was taught, calculated) impact on society.
The Illuminati have not created our modern society’s ills or weaknesses. But they have encouraged and exploited them, often laughing at the gullibility and lack of moral fiber of the “average citizen”. We as human beings have created the familial and social climate that is present today in our country. More and more, this is a climate adversarial to fundamental Christianity and morality. Mankind without God will turn to fill the vacuum, and the Illuminists and other occult groups have rushed to fill it.
Are the Illuminati out to rule the world? Yes, and this is what they teach their members. They are working avidly towards this goal even as I write. Will they succeed? Not if our nation turns to prayer and repentance, and asks the mercy of God on the world. The Bible teaches that only God knows when the end times will come, and also teaches that God is holding back that time in order that “none may perish”, that all may have a chance to repent and turn to Him. This kind of faith can prevent the domination of evil in a world that often seems hopelessly snared in the coils of the enemy.
The choice is up to us. God offers the choice, and we must decide to take a stand and pray. To pray for our nation, to pray for individuals caught in groups that teach lies and deception. To pray for ourselves, for the spiritual strength to resist evil when it occurs and to choose righteousness and the love of Christ instead of selfishness.
To be those who are not merely bystanders, watchers of moral decay, in a world where evil won because “good men did nothing”, but instead to be those who follow Jesus and “did something” to make a difference.
Source: bibliotecapleyades