Urgent! – Jade Helm 15 Alert! With New Info

Urgent! – Jade Helm 15 Alert! With New Info – I received some information recently from an old friend who does not want to be named but he gave me the go ahead to share the info i am going to. Take this however you want as truth or hearsay or just pretend my uncle told me but here it is.

Some time before jade helm 15 ends isis will apparently Strike targets in the united states mainland. The attacks that will be made by isis will cause panic and the jade helm forces stationed around the us will be given the order to switch a focus from drills to a new mission of tracking and finding 72 isis soldiers hidden in and around the states jade helm is supposed to be acting in. This is apparently why the us border was relaxed and illegals had been allowed to flood in.

This will be the guise under which martial law will be declared and people will be pulled out into the streets, homes will be searched and guns confiscated all in the name of finding these 72 soldiers of isis. People may resist but events are planned to cause more panic and make the public beg for it. Im not sure of the scale of this supposed event but this is all i have but take it for what it is. I trust the source and it sounds plausible with all that is going on. But this may end up being nothing at all.

You should also note: Apparently Joe Biden is involved in this somehow. I received a piece of information from someone on here that mentioned him recently that would also back up this claim but i cant release that info unless i get the go ahead and my source for this thread also mentioned him currently being involved in planning and making sure this is carried out correctly.

Regards Ukshep


I received permission to post the other info that corroborates my original source.

I can confirm that Biden was in Dallas on Saturday and Sunday. He arrived with a small army of Secret Service, CIA and FBI. Funny how we had the color Mohammad shooting on Sunday. The reported reason for his visit was he was here giving a speech at a LGBT function. It’s just odd that we have never had any sort of terror event in Dallas before…that is until Biden arrived.

FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) — Dallas drivers hit road blocks and delays that were out of the ordinary for a Saturday evening.

Streets from downtown to uptown were blocked off for Vice President Joe Biden, who was scheduled to speak at the Gill Foundation’s OutGiving Dinner; a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender event at the Ritz-Carlton in Uptown.



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