Australian UFO Sightings Are On The Rise‏

Australian UFO Sightings Are On The Rise‏ – Through the course of 2015 there has been an increase in ufo sightings in Australia. The start of the year had a great photograph from a government storm watch time lapse camera outside Boonah in southeast Queensland. The disc is a high altitude and an excellent capture and impossible to debunk.

14th October 2015 UFO over Melbourne:

Then the release in Australia of the DOJO film Australian skies.
I’m always interested in seeing new material and being a Aussie how could I not have a look at this home-grown documentary.

Firstly this film is about Damien Mott from the perspective of Don Meers. Damien is what is described as a photographic contactee who has 300 to 350 ufo events. He recalls from his early childhood being followed by red orbs and witnessed these orbs on dozens of occasions through his lifetime. He has also captured on video and photographed more frequently the bright white orbs we all know.

Daniel travels from his home town Duneedo in New South Wales to southeast Queensland glasshouse mountains and bribe island. A beautiful area. Don Myers director objective is to interview Damien and other witnesses and hopefully have an experience of his own. During the film they do a few night watches for craft and show some excellent footage taken by Damien.

I made contact with Damien and he was kind enough to issue a statement exclusive to U.I.P

“My interest in the subject of UFOs and the paranormal began back in 1988 after an up close and personal sighting of a glowing red spherical object about 20 ft. above my head. This particular sighting, along with a sighting I had with my step-brothers when I was twelve, launched me into a world of fascination and intrigue with anything related to the phenomenon. Over the past 26 years I have been reading and researching everything and anything that is related to the subject, while sporadically witnessing anomalous lights and even ghost related phenomena at home”. He said.

“I moved to a property in a place called Dunedoo N.S.W. for ten months back in August of 2012. The anomalous action really started to pick up around this time. Soon enough I purchased a camera and began to film the objects that myself and other members of the community were witnessing. People were soon coming in from all over Australia to witness the ‘lights’ for themselves. Journalists from the Sun Herald newspaper also witnessed two lights travelling together across the sky on our property and wrote a story about it. The phenomenon was also witnessed by Presidents of UFO research groups, police officers and pilots. My story appeared on Channel 7 news, Today Tonight (Current Affairs Program), Channel 9’s Today Show live and Sunrise on Channel 7”.

“After moving to Taree N.S.W. I continued to witness and document strange phenomena. It was during this time that I began to do the lecture and interview circuit in the UFO scene. In 2013 I started up A.A.P.I. (Australian Aerial Phenomena Investigations) to bring together other people who were seeing and filming objects on a semi regular basis. We presently have 8 in the field investigators on the team. Since moving down to Baulkham Hills N.S.W. in April 2014 and upgrading our equipment, we have been very lucky that the phenomena continues to be witnessed by my partner and myself, as well as family and friends. In late 2014, I was approached by the producer of a company called DOJO Media who expressed an interest in making a documentary about what I do and that is how Austr-alien Skies began. This documentary tends to give a bit of a voice to the ‘star chaser’ out there. We do not speculate on what the objects are, but instead share the story and show the evidence and let the viewers make up their own minds. The documentary has just had its Sydney release and it has earned some decent reviews”.

Damien John Nott

Founder – A.A.P.I. – Australian Aerial Phenomena Investigations

What a great year it’s been in Australia for quality ufo sightings. In fact what a great year all round the world. Australia is a beautiful country and I’ve had my share of sightings this year with my partner and friends on a recent holiday. Here’s my A CE-5 EXPERIENCE‏

I’ll continue being the contact point and eyes for UIP in the land down looking forward to another year in the land down under.

Digger, Mwv


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