BEK and my own history of “paranormal”

BEK and my own history of “paranormal” – Alright, so I’ll start off with a little personal background. First off, I use the term paranormal loosely, because the things I encountered previous to the BEKs didn’t seem at all weird… it was just a normal part of life and it never really made me uncomfortable, I was just aware of it, for the most part. Also, this is, really, EVERYTHING (in a nutshell), if your interest is only in my encounter with the BLACK EYED CHILDREN, feel free to scroll down I will mark where that part of my experience starts, and the background, really isn’t necessary to understand what happened with that encounter.

I have always believed in energy, as in: having, feeling and putting off positive energy attracts positivity back to you and your life, and the opposite regarding negative.

I remember, sort of, sensitivities to, perhaps, residual energy in the home I grew up in, it was an old house. I always saw it that way, and sometimes I would see (ongoing, still) movements in my peripheral vision, and feel energy coordinating or in connection with these sightings.

Sometimes I’d feel positive energies and sometimes negative, but it never seemed to be directed at me, which is why I use the term “residual”, it just seemed like whatever they were/are they’re just going about their business and sometimes it seems to overlap into my awareness and I get an understanding of what seems to be going on, but I am not a part of it, good or bad.

Now, I lived in California growing up and until my mid-twenties, and lived in an old home as an adult as well, so same sort of stuff.
My family and I moved to Arizona, (professional reasons) and we didn’t know anyone at all, so it was a fresh start, which was, of course, fairly overwhelming at first.

We chose our new home from California, made a visit to check it out and deal with paperwork for the move etc. We chose the apartment building, almost solely on the fact that it was brand new, no tenant had lived there before us and, not knowing the area etc, we felt that was a good start.

We were right, we lived there for 3 years and I can’t say that I ever sensed any kind of “residual energy” there the entire time we lived there. So, to be honest, I really didn’t think about that at all when we were ready to move into a larger space. New state, No “reminders” and I forgot what it was like to live in an old house.

We moved into a house built mid-fifties (not as old as my childhood home) and there are things you really only notice after living in a place vs the original tour. All the doors in the hallway (to the bedrooms and 1 bathroom) had been patched up and I had an immediate response when I saw them and realized it was on all of the doors, that they were put there out of anger, a fist…. that’s not really much of a leap, and I’m sure most people would probably assume that. Not long after moving in I realized (by sightings and energies) that there had been an angry tall man who smoked and paced the hallway, very uncontrolled anger, very negative, still… not directed at me. I sensed very strongly that something VERY negative had happened in my bathroom and it irks me to this day, that was the first time I couldn’t rid my mind of the negativity, it was so strong and I was living in the house with it.

Not long after we moved in here I started having health problems and in under two years I was in the hospital fighting for my life, its not something I really feel like sharing the details on, the’re very personal… but while I was unconscious and intubated with breathing machine, and feeding tube and all kinds of medical horrors going on, surgery after surgery… the surgeons told my husband, and all my family that had come out to be with me that there was nothing more that they could do, I was suffering so many physical problems, one thing after another, and so much of my internal tissue had been removed due to necrosis, and so much more of it was necrotic and getting worse that my body was dying and they were told to say their goodbyes.

Now, I had one surgeon (I learned all of this after the fact) who told my family: “pray to your God, whatever it is that you believe in, because that’s the only thing that can save her, we’ve done all we can, its out of our hands, and the only hope I can give you is that sometimes… miracles happen”
My family held a prayer vigil over me and my grandmother went to a Native American traditional healer who performed a ceremony and blessed her (and my dad’s) hands and told them to place the blessing upon me… there were country wide vigorous prayer chains, initiated by my large family, who happen to be fairly well spread out across the nation by now. So in hindsight, I see that I was absolutely enveloped in such an abundance of positive energies from so many different people, beliefs, religions etc.

I was supposed to die that night, the didn’t expect me to make it to morning. My family stayed by my side with constant affirmative thoughts and energies and prayers.

During all of this I was in a “different place” and it’s hard to put into words because this was a spiritual experience, and it feels like the words to describe this experience don’t exist here on earth.

My body was dying but my mind was fighting the battle of my life, I did not know the truth that my bod was in the hospital dying, because that is not where I was…. The battles I faced weren’t so much a physical altercation type battle as a journey to push on and defeat extreme obstacles, it felt like very physical things and a very real place, at the time I didn’t realize it was only in my mind… it seemed very real, but at the same time was nothing like this world we live in… a very different place… not scary or dark themed, nor your “typical” positive NDE of elation and white light experience, it was neither of these, I was not scared but I wasn’t in a euphoric place of “entering heaven” either…I was fighting… It was a place with many different aspects and difficult obstacles, and I did not know that my body was dying and this was “not real” but I did know that I had to fight my hardest and survive this place, it seemed I was heading somewhere… like I had a destination, I don’t know, maybe I knew at the time… but I have no idea what that destination was but I fought towards it tooth and nail with ever fiber of my being… I was unaware (during this first phase) of any of my family or people or even who or what I was, but that didn’t seem at all abnormal at the time.

Anyhow, the next morning… my heart was still beating, I was still alive, which truly, of itself, shocked my doctors and surgeons (and family, too!).

I was taken in for an exploratory surgery to see what was going on in there, and the doctors were baffled, they told my family that what had happened was physically impossible! The necrotic tissue inside my body, my organs and “innards” that were previously declared necrotic, (and they had taken pictures in the OR all along the way. I’ve not had the guts to obtain my records and see these photos for myself, just yet… I’m sure it will, eventually be part of the healing process for me, but I’m not there yet) The quondam necrotic tissues were pink and healthy again! So they were dead…. and then the next day, they were NOT. Talk about jaws dropping… Everyone was shocked, doctors, surgeons, my family. And of course my family was, over the moon, elated and VERY thankful and hopeful, for a full recovery at that point.

It took a very long time… I had a list of “problems” longer than you could think of, so much had gone so wrong!

I was told I might not walk again, or eat… talk or have all my previous brain functions, or my body, the list goes on. (my extremities and begun to die off as well, my legs and arms…)

Well, I’m a very stubborn person, and a natural fighter (in the sense that I don’t give up easy) and when someone tells me I can’t do something, it just gets right under my skin and gives me the drive to prove them wrong!

I stayed quite a while in the ICU, I was eventually taken off the ventilator and able to breathe on my own, I had lots of trouble breathing, and I remember going between that place that only existed in my head and the reality of where I was and what was going on… a lot of times I was somewhere in between those two places, and it was a very confusing time for me, sometimes the pain was so unimaginably horrific that I wished I hadn’t fought so hard and death seemed like a welcome relief. I remember (before I was restrained because in my half aware state I had pulled my picc line out) I was able to move my arm and, somehow, painstakingly, ( I couldn’t move my body at all!) get a hold of my cell phone that was, at that point, on my rolling bedside table. I was able to lift my phone (barely) and I clumsily took a blurred “selfie”… I needed it to get a grip on reality and, (again hard to put into words) see if I was still me, if there was a me, if I still had a face, if I was human, if this was real? I was very confused!

So anyhow, I eventually moved out of the ER, eventually got a better grasp of reality, and eventually was allowed to start physical therapy… starting with wiggling my toes, lifting my arms, rolling my leg to the side, moving my feet, to me it seemed very slow progress but the therapists and doctors and nurses were astounded at my recovery and how quickly I was able to regain these functions.

Fast forward, after much hospital time, time in a skilled nursing facility, and finally home… I learned to walk again and all those things we take for granted.

I was fairly preoccupied with m own pain and determination, but after time, I did feel that negative energy in my home just as much as ever.

I kept trying, and lived as normally as I could, then I had a health setback that left me bedridden again for a period of time, and it seems, now, that the negative energy in the house was keeping me down, as I was unable to leave the premises… my mental state started to deteriorate again, my health took a downward spiral, to the point, that I realize now I’ve not left the house for anything than doctors appointments, ER visits and my trips to the infusion center in almost a year now, I’ve realized just in the last couple of days that I really think that the relative isolation in this negative place has had a very adverse negative effect on not only my physical state but my psyche as well. And, so I think I have let myself become very psychologically weak and vulnerable.

So finally….. to my experience with the BLACK EYED KIDS.

Tonight is the third night (including the night of) since my encounter.
I had fallen asleep on the couch, and the TV was on and my daughter was in the living room on the computer. My husband and son were in our back house playing video games.

I was woken by, not only my daughter’s voice of fear calling to me “mooommm, mommm there’s someone knocking on the window…” she was in a state of panic such as I have never EVER seen her in. Her face had gone pale and her eyes were huge and she had frozen in a sort of defensive standing posture.

I felt them before I saw them, I had the feeling that they knew exactly everything going on inside the house and also everything inside my head. I’ve known of the term of reading minds or mind control.. but this seemed so much stronger than that, and sinister and almost like they had more of an understanding of my mind than I did, myself! I felt like I had no way to block them from being in my head, and it was beyond frightening.

I stood up… also filled with intense fear, my daughter and I made extremely strong eye contact, in which we both knew and felt that the other was feeling and experiencing the same phenomenon.

The “knocking” was not a rapping, it was not like any knocking I had ever heard before, it was very loud, very monotonous… continuous… each “knock” rhythmically identical in force, sound, pace and intensity.

It kept going for what seemed FOREVER, but couldn’t have been that long… I felt like they knew every though and movement and detail of the inside of my home and myself. I really didn’t want to but my legs took me anyhow, like an internal struggle is the best way I can describe it… but still that’s not accurate, I think the concept, or the words just don’t exist to explain what was going on. I felt very primal.

I sidled my way, not closer to the window but more closer to the gap in the side of the curtains, and the knew I was, I could just feel it… I can’t remember the exact sequence of these very quick next moments but I’ll tell them in the order I think it all happened. I wanted to tell my daughter to go get my husband… but I couldn’t, I had to wait. I got to the position where I could see out… the porch light was on… and just as I expected, they knew I was there before I was even there, and the younger one was looking right into me, we met eyes, his fully black eyes and it was the darkest most sinister thing I have ever experienced… Those eyes are burned into my mind, I close my eyes and cant keep from seeing them again. It was the strongest most compelling sickening, controlling eye contact I have ever had… like a deer in the headlights I felt like I couldn’t break the gaze and move away, and it seemed a very long time but I think it was, it reality, quite brief. I broke free, (the “knocking” was still going, I didn’t see which one was actually knocking I was in such a trance from those eyes).

The shorter one was on my left hand side (facing them) and the taller one was closer… I really didnt notice an details about the taller one but that he was dressed dark, I think he had a hood and he was looking down, it seemed like maybe his hands were in his pockets (so maybe the shorter one was knocking, then) and he had a shruggish sort of posture. He was thin, and my guess is he looked about 12, based on height and body structure… the younger one was 10, I had a strong feeling he was 10 and maybe he planted that feeling but I strongly felt he was 10. He was pale faced…. the eyes were the most dominant feature but I think that’s because that’s mostly what I saw and they were trying to draw me in, so aggressively, the word seduce comes to mind, but definitely not in a sexual way, in a seductive trance of trying to build trust? but it was so dreadful and intense and… scary, that there’s no way I could “trust” him. This all happened very quickly but was so intense and I feel like there was so much transfer… of fear to me in that moment of the fiercest gaze ever, before I broke free that it seemed longer.

The 10 year old seemed to be in charge, I didn’t notice anything that stood out about his clothing other than it was dark and long sleeves and pants. His hair was a longish boys cut, swept to the side and was a light brown or a dark blonde, but not dishwater blonde in a cool tone, not quite strawberry, not at all, but a warmer tone, vs cool tone. White skin… but not to the point that it looked like clown white make-up, it was very white but looked natural (meaning not white make-up) even though it seemed lighter and whiter in tone that anyone I’ve ever seen. His skin didn’t look creamy, there was no flush or variation of tone, maybe slightly mottled…. but it was all over the same texture/coloring, he had a small mouth and did not smile and I think even his lips were the same tone as his face… It seemed like, maybe, he was, almost, tight lipped with a strong determination. I cant remember his eyebrows, but I’m fairly certain he had them, because I think I would have noticed it he didn’t. His skin looked very dry, but not flaky, it seemed taught, not like a real child’s, often, chubby, or at least full, cheeks, but there weren’t heavily definable cheek bones either. No heavy brow ridge. (this description is coming from a former cosmetologist and I think that has an effect on the things I notice, or how I notice them)

All within what I think was a quick amount of time (even though it didn’t feel like it) I finally broke eye contact and got out of his line of vision, in almost the same motion (still the knocking…. it seemed so hard that it should have broken the glass, and like it wasn’t with knuckles, the sound… but maybe the end of a fist (from pinky finger to wrist) and I realized I was already, at that point yelling to my daughter to go get my husband “______, go get dad, GO GET DAD” I don’t know how many times I said it, I think I was repetitive but it was all I could think to say, or I wasn’t even thinking when I said it it was more a reflex of the fear. she started running through to the back of the house, it seemed like when she started to go she had to break free of that spot she was stuck standing in. I think before she made it out the back door to the back house the knocking had stopped. They never spoke, but I felt strongly what they wanted like they (mostly the shorter one) were putting the thoughts straight into my mind. They wanted it, but not like normal wanting in, like DEMANDING it, and, sort of, expressing that there was no choice, I needed to let them in and that was that.

Anyhow… There was a strong flash of extreme anger from them, I think the 10 year old, the leader, a different anger than I’ve ever felt before, very intense. My husband was armed and outside as quickly as possible, he did a perimeter check, up and down the street… down the driveway next door, then went out back and checked the whole yard…. nothing.

I don’t know if there are any answers, but I sure do have questions…
Geez… first off…. what do they want other than to scare the crap out of us?
Why do the want to come inside? they don’t seem like the domestic inside type, if that makes sense… like, I don’t know… feral, outdoor, not civilized type… things….

They are NOT kids… what are they?? how and why do they try to look like kids? and if they can change their appearance to look like kids, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to them to not be so freaky weird, and look more normal and benign?

Why did they come to MY house, is it because Ive been weak Physically and emotionally lately?

And I cant express enough that I hope I NEVER again come in contact with them, is that likely? can I put my mind at rest over that?

I can’t even think straight as to my other questions at the moment, I’m so tired, this has been my third night with zero sleep. So its getting light out and I’m going to tr to get some sleep now, but I would be ever so grateful if anyone has any insights or help or answers for me! I feel like I’ll never be quite the same again…. hopefully that feeling will fade. It was just a very intense encounter. and I think I didn’t mention this earlier…. they were very much 100% physically there, solid, complete physical…. children? but not, the’re not REALLY children, that was very clear, but I don’t think that was their intent, I think I was supposed to fall for it and believe the really were just kids…. but it was so bizarrely off, that it seems incredulous that they really thought the were doing a good job at their masquerade.

Must sleep…. but please please! any help would be greatly appreciated!


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