Black Eyed Kids Info Pours In–Why You Should Care!!!

Black Eyed Kids Info Pours In–Why You Should Care!!! – BEK information recently received indicates a real and potentially mortal threat to anyone who encounters them. How serious? They eat souls and destroy that which makes us who we are! The importuning kids with the solid black eyes (not tied to any known condition, per a California opthalmologist), kids who must be invited in (avoid doing so at all costs) are not even human!

BEK appearance is simply a disguise that makes them approachable. The BEK are apparently slaves of the Reptoids/Cabal and are tasked to “clean up the planet.” That is NOT a green environmental goal. It means ridding the planet of us! BEK’s normal function? Remove degenerated, irredeemable souls, much as wolves cull the sick and the weak animals from a caribou herd.

Black Eyed Kids – What They Are & How They Work

The basic BEK operating procedure is detailed here and describes how prospective “dinners” are approached, worked on on a bunch of levels, what can happen if someone foolishly/in ignorance/via mind manipulation allows the BEK entrance, but this isn’t by any means the whole story. That’s infinitely more disturbing. What follows on the BEK is from one of the Ground Contingents and from within the Liberation Forces proper. BEK encounter summaries at the end are from a sensitive source.

“Brian Bethel reports his feelings registered hard when two children approached him. They were scary, and he could not wrap his head around his reaction. In other words, he had a whole body response. This is an attempt by his Greater Self, to alert him to the danger; a soul mechanism, and a survival signal. If he could, he should have run away. This was not an intellectual reaction, it was visceral. The mind needs time to process, yet he knew something was wrong before his mind could present something to show him. Note the time difference between the first alert and the final realization they were black-eyed. No one should need more than the first register of terror. People already know, on a deeper level what these creatures represent.”

The source then went on to analyze what was going on behind the scenes in an encounter with the BEK. Turns out we humans are seriously disadvantaged in a BEK encounter!

“Because People on Earth are absolutely dumbed-down about the realities in this sector of creation, we cannot initially ascertain what the possibilities might be. Because these BEP or BEK needed to be invited it, they are giving lip service to a creational law, where one must agree to be enslaved, or consumed. Being invited in, means to the predator, you agree to whatever comes next. This creational law also states a person must have a choice, again lip service, but it gives an excuse to the predator to take advantage of ignorance and innocence. The soul reaction of Brian Bethel tells you they want his soul, and the soul knows it. This means nothing to most people on Earth, because people have no clue what a soul really is. It is connection to Source and to Divine Intelligence. Without it we become lifeless, dead and controllable. Without a soul, we become nothing.”

Got your attention now? BEK= mortal peril–for anyone unfortunate enough to encounter them! The source goes on to characterize the BEK and their horrific mission.

“An inquiry to the ET side indicates these are of an insect nature; hence the black eyes. They work with the reptiles and are here to clean up the planet, that is, to get rid of the humans. They are of the nature of a succubus. Although your eyes cannot see their true form, they are definitely not human.”

As the readers will see momentarily, this rates as British grade understatement! The source provided the above and more, but was deeply affected by what was perceived.

“It not only creeped me out, but it got all over me. When I went to dinner, I couldn’t shake it. Eventually I realized these black-eyed children pressed on my third eye. They apparently wanted me to know who they were. We had a short conversation, with them in their childlike voices. I said, “Drop the act, I know you are not children.”

Then flowed a more masculine adult tone. I cannot remember the conversation other than they verified they were soul eaters. Then I said, “Show me what your appearance is.”

I must admit, it was one of the more stupid things of my life, for I will never forget it. It was a triangular form with the top point being the head. Although I could not see the body details, I could see the sucking mechanism. Two tubes. The feel of them was insect, they verified they were insect. I don’t dare guess the size. If you can see the image, you can get it yourself.”

Upon further reflection later, the source came up with further details indicating these awful, yet sentient, beings are winged, really don’t like what they’re being forced to do and are bored, in a sense. The source continues about the BEK experience:

“I asked them, “What do you do after you have eaten all the souls?” They replied, “It is not a problem, we can make more.” There was a forlorn feeling to the entire thing. I guess eating souls gets boring after a while. I don’t know why they were so interested in showing themselves. It seems they wanted something. Perhaps they want the exposure, they don’t want to work for the reptiles, or some such thing. I find it odd. If they can make more souls to eat, then what are they doing here? Another kind of enslavement. They, too, are enslaved by the Cabal?”

Black Eyed Kids & Health Problems? The Least Of Our Concerns!

The account you reported where they had had been invited in and the people had some health problems is only part of the story. The occupants were probably incubused. That is, the souls were taken and the holographic inprint of the soul was merged with an incubus. It is hard to tell the difference between the original and the clone. Thus these creatures have a good cover. One of my contacts knows personally four people who have been incubused. She could tell the difference by their lack of interest in certain areas. A subtle but definite change of attitude, and lack of responsiveness to matters that used to be important; other than that, they behaved the same. The power of the dark is way beyond our simple understanding. It is probably best to simply get out of the way. ”

Here’s what can happen when we don’t. The BEK don’t mess around!

Black Eyed Kids – New Cases

What Happened to the Neighbors?

The place: California, an unspecified (by a different source) rural area, with neighbors living nearby. From what can be determined, the origin of this story is from law enforcement officers.

The situation: BEK, who repeatedly knock, at night, on the door of a rural home. The owners wisely resist all the urgent and even emphatic requests by the BEK for admission, supposedly to use the phone. Frustrated, the BEK go next door–and are admitted.

Outcome: When the neighbors haven’t been seen for a time, the homeowners call the sheriff’s office to have deputies see what’s going on. The neighbors have simply vanished! Everything’s intact, and vehicles are still there. No neighbors and no BEK, either!

Now, that didn’t turn out well, did it? Fortunately, better BEK outcomes are possible and have been reported.

Rural Encounter

The place: Texas boondocks, a lonely rural road, broad daylight, in the middle of nowhere.

The situation: A concerned farmer in a battered pickup truck sees an apparently stranded teen (a BEK, unknown to him), no vehicle in sight, and pulls off the road to investigate.The teen approaches the truck and asks for a ride to town. Initially receptive, the farmer’s put off by the rude insistences and begins to feel alarmed. He races away, not knowing how close to BEK disaster he came.

Outcome: The farmer knew at what mile marker this bizarre BEK encounter had occurred. 100 miles later, he turned around and went right back to the scene. No teen there or anywhere. Let’s hope no one else succumbed to the BEK!

To wrap up this admittedly ghastly read, let’s look at the importance again of trusting your instincts.

And You Thought School Was Dangerous!

The place: California, a rural school bus stop with a 1/4 mile walk home for the family’s kids.

The situation: BEK vs. the youngest child, a boy. It’s a siege, with the boy targeted Monday-Friday when he gets off the bus. He’s accosted by the BEK, who first asks, then later insists, on being invited to the house. Undaunted, our young stalwart does his parents proud by replying firmly to the BEK “Only if my Mom says it’s okay.” The BEK has no choice but to wait. The boy treks to the house, tells his mother the strange tale, and the two of them walk all the way to his stop. Nothing. This goes on for five days!

Outcome: Frustrated BEK and a little boy who gets to stay human! How many of your children, small relatives or the neighbors’ children would have the presence of mind to respond as this little boy did? Best teach them!

Let others debate whether BEK are real or imaginary as they will. You’ve now been warned. You know the truth!

Source: johnkettler


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