
Dark Files

Giganews Is an FBI Operation

Giganews Is an FBI Operation

Giganews Is an FBI Operation - Let me explain my history at Giganews in Austin, Texas and how I learned about the FBI connection. I used to be a huge fan of Usenet and a customer of different newsgroup providers for several years, and I started working at Giganews in...

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Intellipedia Entries

Intellipedia Entries

Intellipedia Entries - Intellipedia is an online system for collaborative data sharing used by the United States Intelligence Community (IC). It was established as a pilot project in late 2005 and formally announced in April 2006 and consists of three wikis running on...

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Special Project 908 – China

Special Project 908 – China

Special Project 908 – China - According to a declassified document obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): Special project 908 is a major national project to collect and disseminate data about China’s littoral region in order to improve China’s ocean...

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