What if Putin is telling the truth ? - Russia weak, suffering and begging from the West.On April 26 Russia’s main national TV station, Rossiya 1, featured President Vladimir Putin in a documentary to the Russian people on the events of the recent period including the...
Nearly half of polled voters think feds will use Jade Helm to exercise control over states
Nearly half of polled voters think feds will use Jade Helm to exercise control over states - Establishment propaganda downplays danger to states' rights, With the Jade Helm exercises two months away, a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports shows that 45% of voters...
Urgent! – Jade Helm 15 Alert! With New Info
Urgent! – Jade Helm 15 Alert! With New Info - I received some information recently from an old friend who does not want to be named but he gave me the go ahead to share the info i am going to. Take this however you want as truth or hearsay or just pretend my uncle...
Stopping 9-11 and Bld 7 Disinformation Deflecting Questions, Investigation and Truth
Stopping 9-11 and Bld 7 Disinformation Deflecting Questions, Investigation and Truth - I had no idea of the magnitude of the ‘disinformation game’. ‘Disinfobots’ or ‘defenders’ lure people via ‘honey pots’ of pseudo evidence into endless argument – with the intent to...
Rumsfeldt’s Missing Trillions, Stavridis and Unconventional War
Rumsfeldt’s Missing Trillions, Stavridis and Unconventional War - September 10, 2001. U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeldt stated that 2.3 trillion dollar from the Pentagon’s annual budget could not be accounted for. September 11, 2001, the Pentagon’s accounting...
9/11 Truth
9/11 Truth - Saudi Arabia’s Alleged Involvement in the 9/11 Attacks. “Red-Herring”, Propaganda Ploy.BBC live report of the collapse of WTC building 7, more than minutes before the collapse took place. Building Seven in the background is still intact. The 9/11...
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