New World Order - Chapter One: The Birth Of Tyranny - The Illuminati, When you talk about tracing the origin of an organization which is controlling the destiny of the world, it’s obvious that you have to start at a period which would allow a movement of this...
Official Secrets, Destined for Destruction
Official Secrets, Destined for Destruction - Mahatma Ghandi, the man who ultimately led India to gain independence from the United Kingdom, made a wise and knowing statement: “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter...
10 Dark Secrets From The Wealthiest Family In World History
10 Dark Secrets From The Wealthiest Family In World History - We live in a time where the world’s most recognizable people are celebrities: thanks to the media these are the people plastered on every television, movie, and magazine cover. Being a banker is difficult...
10 Secret Societies That Created The Modern World
10 Secret Societies That Created The Modern World - Many believe the world is run by a secret organization like the Illuminati, and the people we think are in power are nothing but stooges. It sounds implausible, but is it really a crazy idea? Yes. Yes, it is. And yet...
Eight Ugly Sins of The Catholic Church
Eight Ugly Sins of The Catholic Church - Did the Catholic Bishops wince last week when their leader, anti-contraception Cardinal Timothy Dolan, was exposed for paying pedophiles to disappear? One can only hope. After all, these are men who claim to speak for God. They...
Merovingian Dynasty
Merovingian Dynasty - The Merovingian Dynasty was a Frankish dynasty considered the first French royal house. It was the first major political authority which rose out of the ashes of the dying Roman Empire in Europe. It was named for Merovech (fl. c. 450), whose son... – Join Our Newsletter
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