

Neanderthal Man and The Illuminati

Neanderthal Man and The Illuminati

Neanderthal Man and The Illuminati - The authorities behind science, education and the media endeavor relentlessly to convince us that the human has evolved from the Neanderthal. The irony is that although we, in fact, did not evolve from this primitive form, one...

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Notes About the Illuminati

Notes About the Illuminati

Notes About the Illuminati - Unknown to the members of these various secret societies seeking "Illumination" and "deification," their masters are the Cabalistic Jew, the originator of Gnostic mysticism. (Please see the text that follows). "The three forms of...

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A hideous strength – The Vril Society

A hideous strength – The Vril Society

A hideous strength - The Vril Society - We have now reached the point in our survey of Nazi involvement with the occult where we must depart from what is historically verifiable and enter an altogether more obscure and murky realm, a place that Pauwels and Bergier...

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Brothers of the Shadows

Brothers of the Shadows

Brothers of the Shadows - Sevak Edward Gulbekian lives in England. He is the publisher and chief editor of Clairview Books, Temple Lodge Publishing, and Rudolf Steiner Press. The above is an expanded chapter from his book In the Belly of the Beast, Holding Your Own in...

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Last Secrets of Skull and Bones

Last Secrets of Skull and Bones

Last Secrets of Skull and Bones - Take a look at the hulking sepulcher over there. Small wonder they call it a tomb. It’s the citadel of Skull and Bones, the most powerful of all secret societies in the strange Yale secret-society system. For nearly a century and a...

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