

The Real Secret Word of The Freemasons

The Real Secret Word of The Freemasons

The Real Secret Word of The Freemasons - The Freemasons have often been called satanic, which is something that they are very capable of fending off. While its rank and file members are ignorant of the purpose of the organization, some know. Freemasons deflect...

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Supriem Rockefeller

Supriem Rockefeller

Supriem Rockefeller - Is it possible for a human being to be possessed by Satan? The idea has been explored in a number of horror films, but there's a group working for the Old World Order that thinks it can be accomplished for real. They have identified twelve...

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World History: Plan or Accident?

World History: Plan or Accident?

World History: Plan or Accident? - Will we get another failed Democratic administration? A scandal as disgraceful as Nixon’s fall? When Robert P. Johnson (William Barr) told Clinton in a bunker in Arkansas that, "you are our fair-haired boy, but you do have...

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Skull & Bones = Illuminati?

Skull & Bones = Illuminati?

Skull & Bones = Illuminati? - Is the Order of the Skull & Bones part of the Illuminati? When a person is initiated into Skull & Bones, they are given a new name, similar to the practice of the Illuminati. And many recorded Illuminati members can be shown...

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