

Religion and the Abductee Experience

Religion and the Abductee Experience

Religion and the Abductee Experience - My private journey into the phenomenon of the paranormal and abductee experience was and is an isolated, complex, uphill trek that tends to leave me feeling vulnerable and exposed not only to the elements but to opinions. To be...

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Is it Possible to Weigh the Human Soul ?

Is it Possible to Weigh the Human Soul ?

Is it Possible to Weigh the Human Soul ? - At the beginning of the 20th century a doctor in Massachusetts attempted to weigh patients as they died. The idea that humans possess a soul and that this spiritual essence leaves the body upon death is something that has...

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Paranormal Integrity

Paranormal Integrity

Paranormal Integrity - The truth vs. hype. As paranormal investigators, I feel we should not be in competition with each other. I see it more and more everyday. I feel we should be one big group working together to find who or what is out there. We have a common goal...

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Reports Of White Eyed Kids

Reports Of White Eyed Kids

Reports Of White Eyed Kids - You may be familiar with “Black Eyed Children” or “Black Eyed Kids” (BEK), how they operate and the results of encounters with them. But there is a phenomenon that is being reported along with them and that is encounters with “White Eyed...

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