The Man With Two Faces - Angel And A Devil - Edward Mordake (sometimes spelled Edward Mordrake) was an heir to an English peerage who reportedly had an extra face on the back of his head. The duplicate face could neither eat nor speak out loud but was seen to "smile...
Angel of Death
Angel of Death - Accounts of the angel of death have appeared many times throughout the ages. Sometimes this being is perceived as evil, othertimes it is portrayed as simply carrying out the job at hand. Take a closer look at the many interpretations of this...
Definition of Reincarnation
Definition of Reincarnation - The definition of reincarnation is simple and yet very complex. Exploring the Definition of Reincarnation The easiest way to explain reincarnation is that it is the belief that you die and your soul is reborn into another body. This...
What Is Mental Telepathy?
What Is Mental Telepathy? - Telepathy is believed to be a form of extra sensory perception (ESP) ability that allows a person to have direct mental communication with another person. There are two paths to understanding telepathy. The first is through psychical...
Mysterious light in the fog
Mysterious light in the fog - My story is one only a few in my family have been told, partly because at the time I feared ridicule and partly because, well I don't know what I saw or experienced exactly. In my youth and into my early adult years, through until my mid... – Join Our Newsletter
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