Life on Earth May Have Started with a Cosmic Splash
Life on Earth May Have Started with a Cosmic Splash: A new study bolsters the theory that the chemical origins of life on Earth...
Mars Curiosity: Facts and Information
Mars Curiosity: Facts and Information: The Mars Science Laboratory and its rover centerpiece, Curiosity, is the most ambitious Mars mission yet flown by NASA....
This Is Why Sending Messages to Aliens Might Be a Good Idea
This Is Why Sending Messages to Aliens Might Be a Good Idea: Are we alone in the Universe? Humans have been asking that question...
Could Dark Streaks in Venus’ Clouds Be Signs of Alien Life?
Could Dark Streaks in Venus' Clouds Be Signs of Alien Life? - The question of life on Venus, of all places, is intriguing enough...
Bright Orbs caught on Camera in the UK
Bright Orbs caught on Camera in the UK - One of the most popular sightings reported to our website has to those large white...
Paranormal Integrity
Paranormal Integrity - The truth vs. hype. As paranormal investigators, I feel we should not be in competition with each other. I see it...
Mystery on Mars: Does Methane Really Indicate Life?
Mystery on Mars: Does Methane Really Indicate Life? - SAN FRANCISCO — Scientists may never know for sure if NASA's Curiosity rover detected signs...
California witness videotapes low flying triangle UFO
California witness videotapes low flying triangle UFO - A California witness at Rancho Cordova reported watching and videotaping a low flying, triangle-shaped UFO that...
Advanced Alien Life – May Be a Billion Years Old
Advanced Alien Life --"May Be a Billion Years Old, With Technology Beyond Matter" - "I think it very likely – in fact, inevitable –...
Video: Texas witness captures ‘clear’ UFO crossing sky
Video: Texas witness captures ‘clear’ UFO crossing sky - A Texas witness at Galveston reported watching and videotaping a “clear, circle-shaped, silent object” slowly...