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Life on Earth May Have Started with a Cosmic Splash

Life on Earth May Have Started with a Cosmic Splash: A new study bolsters the theory that the chemical origins of life on Earth...

Life on Earth May Have Started with a Cosmic Splash

Life on Earth May Have Started with a Cosmic Splash: A new study bolsters the theory that the chemical origins of life on Earth...

Mars Curiosity: Facts and Information

Mars Curiosity: Facts and Information: The Mars Science Laboratory and its rover centerpiece, Curiosity, is the most ambitious Mars mission yet flown by NASA....
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This Is Why Sending Messages to Aliens Might Be a Good Idea

This Is Why Sending Messages to Aliens Might Be a Good Idea: Are we alone in the Universe? Humans have been asking that question...
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Could Dark Streaks in Venus’ Clouds Be Signs of Alien Life?

Could Dark Streaks in Venus' Clouds Be Signs of Alien Life? - The question of life on Venus, of all places, is intriguing enough...

Types of Past Life Memories

Types of Past Life Memories - Past life memories don't always flash in front of you like a TV screen. Sometimes those memories are...

Proof of aliens coming in 20 years, says NASA scientist

Proof of aliens coming in 20 years, says NASA scientist - A NASA scientist says we’re just a couple decades away from having conclusive...
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Researchers reveal real life invisibility cloak

Researchers reveal real life invisibility cloak - Researchers around the world are racing to develop Harry Potter-worthy invisibility cloaks. But, because of the way...

Evidence of Reincarnation

Evidence of Reincarnation - Obtaining evidence of reincarnation may seem like a daunting task, but some of the evidence is considered astounding and legitimate...

Scientists publish findings on search for advanced alien civilizations

Scientists publish findings on search for advanced alien civilizations - Scientists examined 100,000 galaxies using NASA’s WISE satellite to look for telltale heat signatures...

Unbelievable True Stories or Just Amazing Coincidences?

Unbelievable True Stories or Just Amazing Coincidences? - The world is filled with astonishing occurrences of coincidence and synchronicity that defy explanation. Are these...