Signs of Alien Life Will Be Found by 2025, NASA's Chief Scientist Predicts - Humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life, high-ranking NASA scientists say. "I think we're going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we're...
Why Aren’t Aliens Calling Earth?
Why Aren't Aliens Calling Earth? - We’ve been conditioned by television and movies to accept the likelihood of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. “Of course there’s intelligent life out there; I saw it last week on Star Trek.” We’ve seen it all, from the cute...
In Search for Alien Life, Experts Reveal Cutting-Edge Science
In Search for Alien Life, Experts Reveal Cutting-Edge Science - CHICAGO – Where can scientists find clues to help them locate and understand life beyond Earth? According to speakers at the 2015 Astrobiology Science Conference, the hunt begins in many locations, from...
Alien Planet Is Smaller Than Earth and Surprisingly Light
Alien Planet Is Smaller Than Earth and Surprisingly Light - A Mars-size planet about 200 light-years from our solar system has turned out to be the lightest known alien world orbiting a normal star, researchers say. Astronomers made the discovery after measuring the...
Possible Real Spacecrafts
Possible Real Spacecrafts - Traveling through the stars has been proven to be absolutely possible. Humans began with small one man metal pods that would orbit the Earth before falling back down, parachuting into the sea for a water based landing. Then, mankind created...
5 Pieces of Evidence That Suggests Intelligent Alien Life Exists
5 Pieces of Evidence That Suggests Intelligent Alien Life Exists - Skeptics and believers are constantly combating each other as to whether or not there is intelligent life in the universe. Skeptics use lack of evidence as their main offensive and defensive weapon,... – Join Our Newsletter
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