Earthquakes May Improve The Possibility Of Extraterrestrial Life - In the Star Trek episode “The Devil in the Dark,” the crew of the Enterprise discovered a lifeform living deep within a rocky planetoid. Recent biological discoveries, geological and astronomical...
Giant Telescope in China Joins International Hunt for Extraterrestrial Life
Giant Telescope in China Joins International Hunt for Extraterrestrial Life - The hunt for radio signals from intelligent extraterrestrials just received an international boost. Breakthrough Initiatives, a privately funded series of long-term astronomical programs, is...
Alien snake spotted on Mars, fuels rumors of life’s existence on red planet
Alien snake spotted on Mars, fuels rumors of life's existence on red planet - Alien hunters claimed to have spotted what appears to be a snake or a worm-like creature slithering between the rocks on planet Mars in a NASA rover photo. Alien hunters said there is...
NASA Director Predicts Discovery of Alien Life in Next 10 Years
NASA Director Predicts Discovery of Alien Life in Next 10 Years - In the words of the hit science fiction television show "X-Files," the truth is out there. In fact, aside from truth out in space, there could also be extraterrestrial life forms. NASA Director of...
Aliens, hoaxers or a lost culture: who wrote the Voynich Manuscript?
Aliens, hoaxers or a lost culture: who wrote the Voynich Manuscript? - It’s one of the rarest, most mysterious books in existence, and now the curators of the fabled Voynich manuscript are allowing copies to be made for the first time in the hope of cracking its...
China’s Space Scientists Warn of Extraterrestrial Danger
China's Space Scientists Warn of Extraterrestrial Danger - "We are lucky to be in a special era, with the next generation of giant telescopes on the way. There may be some exciting discoveries in the following 10 to 20 years," says Mao Shude, director of the Center... – Join Our Newsletter
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