

Witchcraft: Dreamstates

Witchcraft: Dreamstates

Witchcraft: Dreamstates - Dreams give you messages in a variety of ways, some are precognitive giving you insight into your future either near or far. Others are symbolic, some dreams help you to unlock what is buried within your subconscious so that in your waking...

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Real Ghost Story: Unmistakable

Real Ghost Story: Unmistakable

Real Ghost Story: Unmistakable - As those of you who have read some of my posts know, my maternal grandmother is one of the guardians in my home. She passed away when my mom was 5 years old and has looked out for her kids ever since. She is also not the easiest...

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The Shapeshifter

The Shapeshifter

The Shapeshifter - There are many variations on the shapeshifter concept throughout mythology. In fact, it is such a powerful archetype that the term "shapeshifting" can refer to several different variances in mythology, both figurative and literal. The type of being...

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Real Ghost Story: They’re Back

Real Ghost Story: They’re Back

Real Ghost Story: They're Back - It's been a while since my last story on this wonderful site. Happenings at my house subsided quite a bit there for a while... Until recently... My wife is quite the skeptic when it comes to the paranormal or at least she likes to...

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