Witchcraft: Witch Hunts - From the early Mesopotamian civilization witchcraft was considered a serious crime, punishable by death if someone was caught practicing it. The act of witchcraft was defined as placing a curse upon a neighbour, foretelling the future and...
Witchcraft: Wizards
Witchcraft: Wizards - There have been many wizards over the ages, it takes a certain energy to be a wizard, they are born not made, the stereotypical wizard image is, of course Merlin, who was King Arthur’s magician. Wizards possess certain abilities, for one thing...
Witchcraft: Colour Healing
Witchcraft: Colour Healing - Colour Healing, Chromopathy – Chromotheray – When healing with colour you are giving the body that is ailing an extra dose of any colour/s lacking. Because colour is a natural element, colour healing is something anybody can do, without...
Witchcraft: Elementals
Witchcraft: Elementals - Elementals – Are spirits of the elements, earth – air – fire – water, gnomes are earth elementals, sylphs are air elementals, salamanders are fire elementals and undines (also nymphs) are water elements. Elementals do not have a specific form...
Book Of Shadows: Witches and Other Creatures
Book Of Shadows: Witches and Other Creatures - Superstition paints a very dark picture of witches, they are described as old, bent, unattractive, bow legged, stringy haired practitioners of dark magick, always accompanied by their ever faithful and equally dastardly...
Book Of Shadows: Shamanism
Book Of Shadows: Shamanism - Shamanism is an ancient system of healing, whereby a shaman enters an altered state of consciousness allowing him to consult with guardian and helping spirits. When this takes place the shaman is able to slip through a doorway and enter...
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