Does this UFO video finally prove aliens are real?

Does this UFO video finally prove aliens are real? – This incredible UFO video could finally provide proof that aliens are real.The clip shows a butterfly-shaped craft flying close to the border between Ohio and Kentucky.

Filmed by a father and son identified only as Tom and Christopher, the video was captured on Saturday evening.

Tyler Glockner runs the channel featuring the video and has previously been accused of faking UFO footage by using CGI.

He said: โ€œThe reason I am calling this an alien craft rather than just a UFO โ€ฆ is in the stunning detail, where we can see the true structural characteristics of this ship.

โ€œAnd guys you take a look and tell me with a straight face this has anything to do with humans. The features on this thing donโ€™t make any sense.โ€

According to Glockner, Tom and Christopher saw the craft being pursued by two US military helicopters.

He added: โ€œThe father and son both described the craft as eerily silent.

โ€œThere are rows of windows, chambers, glowing lights and other characteristics that simply donโ€™t jive with anything you can imagine on Earth

โ€œIf you can look at this and convince your self, hey its just one of ours..aliens are not visiting us, well whatever it takes for you to sleep at night.

โ€œThis is simply amazing footage, one more piece to the puzzle, I can lay my head knowing we have not been alone for some time.โ€

However, not everyone is convinced that the video is proof of aliens.

Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told Journal Telegraph: โ€œIt looks like it was produced using a model and CGI. It is a very distinctive looking object, it reminds me of the Millennium Falcon spacecraft in the Star Wars films with a bite taken out of it.

โ€œAlarm bells ring when the witnesses are only known as Tom and Christopher, and we might also wonder why other people in the area didnโ€™t see it.โ€


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