Haunting Story: Almost Midnight

Haunting Story: Almost Midnight – When I was 11 I had a strange dream of me and my family. Me and my step sister were sitting on the couch and everybody else was standing across form us just staring at us. I just was thinking they were being weird so i went to my room and sat down and something tugged at my leg, but nothing was there.

A few days later I had the same dream but something dragged me under the bed down into a hole. When i told my friends about my dream they did a Wicca circle thing over it. i thought that was kind of creepy over nothing so i didn’t join in. i laid down and closed my eyes and we all saw each other and could talk to each other but something grabbed me and i opened my eyes and we apparently all had saw what had happened even though we were all away from each other. Later that day i laid down and closed my eyes for a few seconds but i wasn’t asleep.

When i closed my eyes i could see the glow of the sun but all of a sudden it got dark like something blocked out the sun. then i started seeing a figure. it was dark in my mind but this thing was darker than anything. it was walking back and forth talking to me telling me to not trust anybody to join him and stuff like that then it held out its hand. i was freaked out so i opened my eyes and my friends were on the other side of the room looking at me weirdly. they said that my eyes had rolled all the way back in my head. a month or so later me and my step sister were in our room and it was almost midnight i told her all of this stuff and she told me that she used to see things hovering over me at night when she woke up.

When i told her my story i got a really weird feeling because it freaks me out to talk about these things so me and her were going to go to sleep and i slept at the corner of the bed but before i went to sleep i had the feeling to look over at a bed at the other end of the room so i did and i saw the figure sitting on the bed even with all the lights off i could see it because it was so dark. I covered my head up with the blanket even though i didn’t think it was real i just thought it was the outline of something but just the look freaked me out. A minute later my step sister said that it looked like someone was sitting on my bed we turned on the lights and then back off then it was gone.

Published By: Jenna
Email: jcollier286@gmail.com

  1. I had the same experience when i was 14 but i had no one in my room to confirm that. You gave me the courage to write what happened to me. I’ll send it too. You are not the only one.

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