The Human Microchipping Agenda


The Human Microchipping Agenda – People are living very busy lives these days, working extra hard to keep the roofs over their heads, the food on their tables. Those are the lucky ones, or so are led to believe. Life in this particular dog-eat-dog system can be stressful. We’ve been trained by behavioral experts to live our lives as expendable cause, upholding a cruel and vindictive machine, all for the benefit of a dominant minority of ruthless, elitist criminals, at or near the top of the pyramid.

There are powerful psychopaths who can engineer world wars or bring down entire economies whenever their global business plan requires it… and they do. This anti-human system we collectively chose to maintain focuses on the perpetual need for money, so as to avoid becoming homeless and destitute, rather than working for humanity and focusing on the ability of human beings stored together for the benefit of all, great or small. And also tolerates George Orwell’s “doublethink”, where by liars and criminals the governments can hide the public opinion and keep secrets for the sake of “national security”… apparently.

Or making outrages claims about openness and honesty and padding themselves on the back for the wonderful service they’re doing to humanity by exporting democracy to the Middle East. And we haven’t seen anything yet. The new world order that we see unfolding used to be merely handed out by the various strategically positioned front men and women. Nowadays it is discussed semi-openly by today’s front people and can no longer be ignored by the human beings who happen to be alive today.

Those new front people utilize new technology as it been made available to the general public. They have us all numbered and they want us to believe that it’s for our own good. That way we can all be monitored more easily and believe that it’s for our own safety.