Illumination: the Secret Religion – Meritocracy – The Illuminati are opposed to monarchies, autocracies, dictatorships and oligarchies. But what about democracy? Why would the Illuminati oppose democratic government?
The Illuminati believe that a high-calibre, well-educated, well-informed, autonomous people cannot be deceived by their leaders, and such a people represents the best means to ensure that the government governs in the name of the people and for the people.
Democracy – supposedly government of the people, by the people, and for the people – is a disguised oligarchy. A small, elite group govern in their own interests and take active steps to dupe the people, to provide misinformation and disinformation, to exploit the power of their office to disguise their many abuses. It is advantageous to them to maintain the people in a state akin to that of a flock of sheep or a herd of cows – docile, unthinking, easily controlled, lacking initiative, incapable of resisting.
Democracy, in practice, is government of the people, by the elite, and for the elite. It is the perfect instrument of control for the Old World Order. The people, brainwashed by relentless propaganda about “freedom and democracy”, sedated by junk food, junk entertainment and junk culture, and starved of the sort of education that will furnish them with incisive, critical minds, do not know how to see through the lies. They are born suckers being taken for a perpetual ride.
Democracy becomes viable only at the point at which the vast majority of citizens are highly capable, clever, and resourceful. At that point, democracy and meritocracy intersect and become synonymous. Until that point, the most meritorious people in society must be placed in charge. How does that happen? An example already exists from history – America.
The Illuminati had hoped to achieve worldwide meritocracy via Masonic Lodges – groups of talented, educated individuals all over the world who did not subscribe to the prevailing elitist, oppressive regimes. For a while, Freemasonry did exactly what was intended, and the foundation of the American nation was its greatest success. All of the significant players in the creation of America were Freemasons. In the crisis of the American Revolution, the American people turned to the best amongst them – the Founding Fathers. But the dream turned to a nightmare and before long Freemasons began to resemble the elitist rulers they had once opposed.
Anyone who has read George Orwell’s Animal Farm will recognise the process. The animals, led by the pigs, ousted their human oppressors, but by the end of the novel, the pigs were fraternising with their old human masters: “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” Thus it was with the Freemasons and the Old World Order.
The Illuminati now repudiate Freemasonry, but still support meritocracy, with one crucial refinement. The Freemasons were corrupted by greed, and greed remains the most effective weapon of the Old World Order. So greed, in a meritocracy, must be the strongest taboo. While no one should be ashamed of earning higher rewards for being talented and hard working, they must not succumb to the greed of the Old World Order or they will follow the example of the pigs in Animal Farm.
The Illuminati’s brand of meritocracy now comes with a commitment to limit the rewards of the most successful. Could anyone on earth complain if they were not permitted to earn more than, say, one million dollars a year? If the average person is earning fifty thousand dollars a year then a million dollars represents twenty times the average. If you’re convinced you deserve more than twenty times the average, shouldn’t you begin to suspect the greed virus has infected you?
Look at AIG in America. Top executives are still expecting to be paid huge bonuses despite the disastrous performance and virtual collapse of this company. Only people who have contempt for merit would think they merit any reward in these circumstances. They should be relieved they aren’t being prosecuted and jailed.
Edward Liddy, the AIG chairman, said he could not “attract and retain the best and brightest talent if employees believe that their compensation is subject to continued and arbitrary adjustment by the US Treasury”. Who are these bright talents? The same ones who required a gargantuan bail out by the taxpayers? You see what happens under the Old World Order – words like “merit” begin to resemble their opposite. The Old World Order continue to play their game, continue to think they can make fools of the people. They are so used to having their snouts in the trough they cannot imagine a world where the trough is no longer there.
And what of the response of the Obama government? Larry Summers, the president’s chief economic adviser, said: “We are a country of law. There are contracts. The government cannot just abrogate contracts.”
America is the nation whose citizens famously said, “No taxation without representation.” Are the citizens of this same nation now going to say that they will be party to contracts that were drawn up without any consultation with them, in which their interests were not represented? The people now own AIG in all but name. All contracts that existed before are now automatically rescinded because the people were not involved in drawing them up. That is what America fought for!
Already, the Obama regime, despite its rhetoric, is showing how it will never challenge the power of the Old World Order. Isn’t it time for something new? Isn’t it time for meritocracy? A meritocratic government would never hesitate to strip failures of unmerited rewards. That’s the whole point of meritocracy: only success is rewarded. The money trough will be removed from the Old World Order forever, and with the trough goes their power.
Source: armageddonconspiracy
Whole lot of misinformation in there… You probably like that Vice website and Alex Jones too huh lol
Thats retarded.
It should be noted that there doesn’t exist enough currency to run markets based on a meritocratic population.
My assumption being that merit and general IQ (this is not the rigged IQ of Old Times) are significantly correlated, and for the sake of simplicity I have allocated wealth along the IQ spectrum. In reality, there are non-IQ traits which warrant merit, and you should expect less top meritorious individuals than the spread would imply. I pegged the top income to approximately what the author stated at $1,000,000/year USD.
Firstly, there is only $13.25 trillion in existence…Adding all other currencies to this will bring you to a maximum of about $22 trillion. To furnish a reasonable financial standing where the those on very bottom of the merit IQ scale live reasonable, but restricted existences, I estimate we need $1.1 quadrillion.
The shorthand, back of the napkin scale goes like this:
IQ 50-70
Annual Income $25000-46000
Percent of Economic Pie 0.75%
IQ 80-110
Annual Income $62000-158000
Percent of Economic Pie 55%
IQ 120-140
Annual Income $215000-397000
Percent of Economic Pie 42%
IQ 150-170
Annual Income $541000-1000000
Percent of Economic Pie 0.22%
Its the pinnacle of irony that your average IQ person is highly resistant to an objective distribution of income based on aptitude given that their income and relative power would almost literally double from the median American income today, and in the world, given that your average world person is receiving significantly less, your average person’s income would be far beyond doubling. This is why the rich invest so much into propaganda. Though in a meritocracy, those who own 0.22% of the wealth would yield the most power, but according to systemic benefit as allocating more to their own greed would not be legal.