Notes About the Illuminati

Notes About the Illuminati – Unknown to the members of these various secret societies seeking “Illumination” and “deification,” their masters are the Cabalistic Jew, the originator of Gnostic mysticism. (Please see the text that follows).

“The three forms of initiation — individual, group, or universal — all lead to conscious or unconscious control by a central power, who in some mysterious way makes its influence felt; often clairvoyantly and clairaudiently seen and heard, but never physically present or visible. the system in all three is the same — cabalistic. Secretly here and there individuals are prepared; these again form groups or centers from which influences spread until they form a network covering the entire world. Like rays from a hidden sun these groups are apparently divergent and detached, but in reality all issue from the same central body.

The system is seen to be an insidious and secret dissemination of ideas, orienting and breaking down all barriers of family, religion, morality, nationality, and all self-initiative thought, always under the cloak of a new and more modern religion, new thought, new morality, a new heaven and a new earth; until it evolves a gigantic robot merely answering to the will and commands of a secret Master Mind. They dream they are free, original, self-determining individuals; they are but the negative moon reflecting and reproducing the light from the same hidden and cabalistic Sun. It is called regeneration by the Illuminati; it is in truth individual death and disintegration, followed by a resurrection as negative “light-bearers” of this cabalistic dark Sun whose Luciferian “Grand Plan” is world domination.”

(Anonymous, Light-bearers of Darkness, The Christian Book Club of America, p105).
The Jewish Encyclopaedia points out that Gnosticism,”was Jewish in character long before it became Christian,” and quotes the opinion, “a movement closely connected with Jewish mysticism.”

The Freemason Ragon says:
“The Cabala is the key of the occult sciences. The Gnostics were born of the Cabalists.”

Rabbi Benamozegh says,”Those who will take the trouble to examine with care the connection between Judaism and philosophic Freemasonry, theosophy, and the mysteries in general . . . will cease to smile in pity at the suggestion that Cabalistic theology may have a role to play in the religious transformations of the future. . . . It contains the key to the modern religious problem” (Anonymous, Light- bearers of Darkness, The Christian Book Club of America, p11).

“Chaldean thought acted powerfully upon orthodox Judaism and determined the growth of a sect in its midst which was to transform Israel. . . . This sect was that of the Pharisees. . . . What they borrowed (from the Chaldeans) in fact . . . was the essence of the Pantheistic doctrine . . . It was then that was formed from these borrowings that Kabalah of the Pharisees which was for long transmitted orally from Master to disciple, and was, 800 years later, to inspire the compilation of the Talmud, and found its completest expression in the Sepher ha Zohar. . . . This religion of the ‘Deified Man,’ with which they were impregnated in Babylon, was only conceived as benefiting the Jew, superior and predestinated being. . . .” (M. Flavien Bernier, Les Juifs et le Talmud, 1913).

The Jewish writer Bernard Lazare said, “It is certain that there were Jews even at the cradle of Freemasonry — Cabalistic Jews, as it is proved by certain existing rites . . . The Jew is also a builder: proud, ambitious, domineering, he tries to draw everything to himself. He is not satisfied with de-Christianising, he Judaises; he destroys the Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes indifference, but he imposes his idea of the world, of morals, and of life upon whose faith he ruins; he works at his age-old task — the annihilation of the religion of Christ!”

Mrs. Nesta Webster in Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, writes:

“The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have been marvelously correct as prophecy, foreshadowing all of this in a remarkable way, whatever their first origin, before Maurice Joly used part of them in 1864.”

“Dr. Ranking, who has devoted many years of study to the question . . . in a very interesting paper published in the masonic journal, Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, observes:

‘That from the very commencement of Christianity there has been transmitted through the centuries a body of doctrine incompatible with Christianity in the various official Churches. That the bodies teaching these doctrines profess to do so on the authority of St. John, to whom, as they claimed, the true secrets had been committed by the Founder of Christianity, that during the Middle Ages, the main support of the Gnostic bodies and the main repository of this knowledge (Johannism) was the Society of the Templars.’

And he further said, ‘The record of the Templars in Palestine is one long tale of intrigue and treachery on the part of the Order’.”

In his History of Magic, Eliphas Levi informs us:
“The Templars had two doctrines: one was concealed and reserved to the leaders, being that of Johannism; the other was public, being Roman Catholic doctrine. . . The Johannism of the adepts was the Kabalah of the Gnostics, but it degenerated speedily into a mystic pantheism carried even to idolatry of Nature and hatred of all revealed dogma. . . They fostered the regrets of every fallen worship and the hopes of every new cults, promising to all liberty of conscience and a new orthodoxy which should be the synthesis of all persecuted beliefs. They went even so far as to recognize the pantheistic symbolism of the grand masters of Black Magic . . . they rendered divine honours to the monstrous idol Baphomet.”

The mystic affiliations under the Pyramids of Egypt, the esoteric sect of Pythagoras, the astrologers or mathematicians of Rome in the time of Domitian, the House of Wisdom in Cairo, the Ismailis or Assassins, Companions of the Old Man of the Mountain, the Templars, the Rose-Croix (Rosicrucians), the Carbonari, the Jesuits, Freemasons, B’nai B’rith, Knights of Columbus, the Souffrants, the Chercheurs, Lodges of St. John, of Melchisedek, Royal Priests, Masters of the Wise, the Asiatic Brethren . . . all appear to form an uninterrupted chain of these superior affiliations . . . under the name of the Illuminati, under the Directing Power of the Invisibles — Earthly beings — Masters working on the Astral, whose self-appointed role was to be the arbiters and Masters of the World.

Source: bibliotecapleyades


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