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Real Ghost Story: Danger Nights

Real Ghost Story: Danger Nights

Real Ghost Story: Danger Nights - Welcome friends. Pardon me if there is some grammatical error in my story as my first language is not English. So coming to the story which have been experienced by me in real and is spooky for me. Till now I had no paranormal...

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Numerology: A Short Introduction

Numerology: A Short Introduction

Numerology: A Short Introduction - For thousands of years – dating back to humans’ early, primitive lives – people have looked for differing signs to understand and comprehend the world beyond the physical. Some have sought signs in religion. Others have sought daily...

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EU And US: A Relationship Of Concern

EU And US: A Relationship Of Concern

EU And US: A Relationship Of Concern - Much to thveir detriment, Americans like to ignore the world. Accordingly, they do not appreciate reminders that, like it or not, the rest of the world is out there. Worse, some of its “leading leaders” have rabies and “bite”....

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Brothers of the Shadows

Brothers of the Shadows

Brothers of the Shadows - Sevak Edward Gulbekian lives in England. He is the publisher and chief editor of Clairview Books, Temple Lodge Publishing, and Rudolf Steiner Press. The above is an expanded chapter from his book In the Belly of the Beast, Holding Your Own in...

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Last Secrets of Skull and Bones

Last Secrets of Skull and Bones

Last Secrets of Skull and Bones - Take a look at the hulking sepulcher over there. Small wonder they call it a tomb. It’s the citadel of Skull and Bones, the most powerful of all secret societies in the strange Yale secret-society system. For nearly a century and a...

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The Brotherhood of Death I

The Brotherhood of Death I

The Brotherhood of Death I - After its founding, Russell and friends hoisted a pirate flag as a symbol and talisman of their brotherhood. The pirate flag has an obvious meaning: death. Pirates are terrorists, murderers, marauders, cutthroats and thieves, answerable to...

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Wicca: Supernatural Power Magic

Wicca: Supernatural Power Magic

Wicca: Supernatural Power Magic - Wicca is a religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of Western Europe that affirms the existence of supernatural power magic and of both male and female deities who inhere in nature, and that emphasizes ritual...

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Ghost Story: Bloody Mary

Ghost Story: Bloody Mary

Ghost Story: Bloody Mary - She lived deep in the forest in a tiny cottage and sold herbal remedies for a living. Folks living in the town nearby called her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch. None dared cross the old crone for fear that their cows would go dry,...

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