Real Ghost Story: A Little Bit Of Weird

Real Ghost Story: A Little Bit Of Weird – This happened a few months ago, back in January. I’d been having some strange ‘feelings’ around our apartment lately back then, yet in no way did it catch my attention enough to make me concerned. There were other things that were also happening; yet those didn’t catch my attention so much either.

Some of those things that happened were while my husband and I began to fall asleep, after having just crawled into bed. Suddenly interrupting the quiet of our home, we’d hear loud crashing and banging sounds from what sounded like the kitchen. Thinking that it was an intruder, he’d immediately leap out of bed to investigate the clatter. While I was on edge waiting for him to return, I’d get that old familiar feeling of being watched. On one such occasion, my husband returned back to our room with a strange far-off gaze on his face. He told me he thought he’d seen bright flashes within the dark of our apartment. Without any signs of a break-in, and without going into further detail, we both dismissed it and fell asleep.

My ‘strange’ feelings finally took form late one night while both my husband and I lied asleep in bed. It’s important to note here that I am an extremely deep sleeper; normally nothing wakes me up. But that night something did. I recall having strange cloudy dreams of someone walking around our bed, and particularly hanging around my side and leaning over me. Suddenly I woke up from these dreams. Although completely confused as to why I was awake, I had an intense feeling that we weren’t alone. I raised my head and looked to the door. There I saw this bulky, four-legged animal-like thing crawling low on the floor and exiting our room. Nothing about it felt threatening or sinister, however. Just plain weird to see. I watched until it completely left the room, and then it faded away into the shadows outside our door. Then feeling sleep taking over again, I blacked out.

I wasn’t going to submit this experience, but it’s just odd and I haven’t forgotten it. I know the best argument against this is that it happened late at night, so it could seem like my mind was just confusing a dream. Anyway, since this happened we haven’t been startled late at night by loud crashing noises in the kitchen. Neither have I had that ‘feeling’ anymore. So whatever it really was, I’m just glad we can sleep now! (Knock on wood, ha-ha)

Source: yourghoststories


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