Real Ghost Story: An Enemy Or A Friend?

Real Ghost Story: An Enemy Or A Friend? – I would like to start off by saying that even though it is really long the events add up to one another and I would appreciate if you didn’t miss anything.

My ghost story began way before I was born. I do know that for some strange reasons my great-grandparents died at the age of 72. My grandmother saw, as what she described to be the devil, big, red, horns etc. After this she almost died from a heart attack the next day. Now from what I’ve researched these are only the low level demons, considered as messengers of the devil. My father has been dealing with the same demon, as he said, for almost his entire life. He has been fighting with him and for years his nights have been haunted. He got to the point where he was scared to sleep. My grandmother from my mother’s side said that she and my uncle saw him opening the window of an 8 story building and wanted to jump. Then my uncle called his name and he woke up not remembering anything just that someone told him to jump. Now this happened in a house from another country where I lived for 12 years of my life. I am currently 15 and not living there anymore.

Of course, I had my own experiences in that house. For example, one day I was playing at the computer, there was no sound in the room, I was alone. All of the sudden a door from a cabinet opens and then falls. I got scared but since I was alone I didn’t do anything. Many experiences like this used to come and go because for me there was no explanation. At that time I had no idea about spiritual stuff. As a little child I could see angels. I remember seeing one next to my bed. It was small it had curly brown hair and it was dressed in white. In the same time I could also see more bizarre stuff like red eyes in the window. My dreams have played a huge role in my life basically guiding me. They were usually telling me the future. One of the cases is when I’ve dreamed that I was scared of a guy. He had blond curly hair, blue eyes, and the most warming smile in the world. This whole dream was around the school. Two weeks later a guy with blond curly hair and blue eyes started making advances on me. Such as smiling at me all the time and talking to me like he didn’t with anyone else. This situation got me pretty tense because I knew what he wanted and that was just some “fun”.

After I came to U.S. Things quickly started changing. I was experiencing more and more paranormal stuff. My father moved from that apartment and also divorced my mother which didn’t shock me at all. He found someone else. My dreams finally started making sense as I asked my father about one of them in which I was back home in my native country. I wanted to go home and when I was close to the door a voice from behind it told me “Don’t be scared… Just open the door… I won’t harm you” it sounded like my father but I knew better what was behind it and that was a lower level demon. It obviously couldn’t get out and I could free him, but I didn’t,I started running, I was scared. Then my father told me the whole story and how after he left the house it didn’t haunted him anymore.

Now a man dressed in black started to appear. A black cape with the collar up to his ears, black shirt, black pants and black shoes and bold. In my first dream he killed my parents, as I was crying in from of my house he came to me and asked me “What are you planning to do now? I killed them.” I immediately started running, but I didn’t know why because there was no feeling of fear as he followed me. In the second dream I was in a hotel with tall dark doors. As passed a corner I saw him and he immediately started running after me. I escaped through a small door and then a huge lower level demon took me. My parents were alive trying to get me back. It said “You won’t touch her”. Then the dreams went on and on. The man dressed in black even gave me a house as a gift, but I was afraid to take it. I finally gave in and went inside. He smirked and closed the door behind me. In this dream he had long hair. In another dream I was supposed to go talk to a guy named Rick Mollado who also was a rock star. I was walking behind him and I accidentally poked him with a white sword. He turned around and I said “It’s you ” He once again had long black hair and he said “And I am also this” and he turned bold then he said “Who ever put this swords here please pay more attention next time, someone could get hurt”. He didn’t blame me for it when it was my fault. I was scared, I didn’t know what or who he was. I wanted answers. I needed to know why he was treating me nice. Why I and my other family members were tortured I asked him to fight me. He wouldn’t fight back I finished the fight by “killing him” with a sword. I absolutely had no idea what or why was going on.

Coming back to the blond guy. I did after sometime fell in love with him, he was charming. In this whole period I had no dreams. Until school ended and I didn’t saw him anymore. Then I had a dream where the guy dressed in black called my mother and said “Tell her to stop dreaming about that guy because she is mine!” and then I woke up. After this in one of my dreams a low level demon appeared just staring at me with his hand on the open door from my room, which I always keep closed. I prayed in my dream and it went away. When I woke up the door was strangely open. Everything was just like that dream was even the way I was sleeping.

Weeks have passed and I started researching demon and I came across incubus. I thought to myself “Now wouldn’t it be cool to have an incubus”. A few nights later something happened that scared me because I woke in the middle of the night and as I was sleeping on my stomach something was touching my legs and it slowly went up there. It started having sex with me I could literally feel it and yes, I was awake. I realized that I had to move so I did and it stopped. I then slept on my back. Then I had both of my legs close to one another and as I was half asleep something grabbed my leg and moved it. I instantly woke up to find my leg moved from its place. From that day it always happens when I stay on the bed or in any place and not move for a few minutes. I told myself “whatever happens I won’t be scared”

I still wanted to know why me, what did I do for this. Another dream came and so did my response. In my dream I was sleeping and I woke up in a queen bed in my room. On the other pillow there was a little lower level demon or I thought it was. It looked like a baby except that it had little horns and it was red. It opened his eyes and I got scared, but I remembered “Whatever happens I won’t be scared” and the fear faded. The demon had blue eyes and it started smiling at me. Then I woke up a lower level demon told me we had to go. I asked where and he said my master is waiting for you. He was talking at the phone with his “master”. I started seeing where he was, in the underworld. It didn’t look like I thought it would. The room I saw it was an office. It was just darker and taller and in the middle the man dressed in black or Rick Mollado was walking impatiently. He then said “She has to marry me! She has my child!”. Then I wanted to go to him because he couldn’t get out, but I woke up.

Now I guess I started developing greater spiritual because I could hear him two times. One day he said Set. And the next day he called my name. He was slowly calling my name so I knew I heard it because my name it is pretty long. Few days ago my mother went outside with her “friends” and I felt so alone. Then I had a dream where I was at my grandparents waiting for my mom. I knew she was behind a door when I opened it I saw the man dressed in black and I hugged him. He hugged me back and for some reasons I felt safe and like nothing could harm me there.

Here goes another important detail his touch is electric, but is really warm and comforting. One day my back was hurting and then I felt heat, a comforting heat, and as the pain came it went away. From what I’ve read incubus have a cold touch this is why I am confused as to what he is. It never harmed me besides the first when he touched me. My head started hurting because his spiritual power was a lot higher than mine. Also forgot to say that there is someone else like me. A guy because in one of my dreams I was running away from the man dressed in black and he sent my other half after me. I wanted to kill him but the man dressed in black came hugged us and said “My children.” After my eye turned white and the other guy’s eye turned black.

For the end I just wanted to say that I do pray at night. I went to church I have prayed at church. There was a time when I was a truly religious person. I still am religious, but not obsessed. A priest blessed me and my mom. She started sweating and I didn’t felt any reactions. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want to get rid of the man dressed in black, anymore. I’ve got used to him I just want to know what he is. I am a Christian, but I don’t like many things that there are said in my religion. I like every religion to a point because none of them are perfect, in my opinion. Don’t be afraid to tell me your opinion because I like to look at every point of view that there is. Just don’t leave me any comments saying mean things. If I just wanted to hear your opinion too that doesn’t mean you have to be rude. I’ve always wanted to talk to a person that had the same experiences or close to me and knew what he was talking about or a true psychic/medium. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Source: yourghoststories


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