Real Ghost Story: Astrologist Warned Us

Real Ghost Story: Astrologist Warned Us – If you have read my previous story ‘Encounter with a Burnt Child’ you would know I came for an interview in Hyderabad.

After landing the job I was married after a year. My husband and I moved into a new flat with my husband. We used to have spiritual programs in our house and we had this little temple where we used to offer prayers and sing bhajans (Indian devotional prayers). The house was mostly fragrant with incense and ghee lamp (made by clarified butter). I think this is why we did not encounter anything weird. There was nothing to be afraid of and it was just a normal flat. Also, we never had only one person in the house at anytime as we both used to go to work together and come back together. Also, none of us ever went outside alone for shopping etc. We always liked to be together in whatever we did whether outside grocery shopping or inside household work like cooking.

One day during one of our spiritual program, an astrologer also came as he was friend to one of our regular visitors. After the program ended, we had a small chit chat and before leaving he just said – ‘I can sense a negative presence in this house’. Initially we did not like what he said because our belief is if you surrender to God you have nothing to worry about. Even if there is some negative presence let it be as we are having regular prayers and that is countering its negativity. After he left we continued with our lives. We forgot about the incident.

One day I was not well and so could not make it to office. My husband left and asked me to take some rest. I had not taken any medicines as it was just a common cold and mild fever. The afternoon was warm and after eating my meal I already started feeling drowsy. I lay down on bed and closed my eyes. I was not yet asleep when my senses suddenly felt something in full speed, in a split second rush through the door in a curving angle right on my top. I was not able to move. I tried hard getting up but could not. As my eyes were closed I tried opening them but could not either. It was as if someone was choking me up. All this time I kept chanting the holy names of the Lord from the Vedas in my heart. After I think 30-45 seconds the force was suddenly lifted up. It felt as if the entity could not stand any more and had to give up. I rose up sitting on my bed sweating. I was very frightened. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I did not know what I would see next. I picked up my mobile to call my husband but later thought he will worry unnecessarily. He can’t do anything sitting there in office anyway can he? Then I put some shamans (devotional prayers) on which were on my mobile and lay down again. I was unable to control my sleep. In the midst of the dim sounds of the shamans I slept like half asleep. There was no second attack. It is worth mentioning I did not have sleep paralysis anytime before at least not in last 5 years.

After my husband came back I told him what happened and he consoled me. He asked me to be spiritually a bit stronger because these entities try to attack only vulnerable people. Anyway after that we never had any second such attack.

But the story doesn’t end here. We lived for next few months without any problems. In fact we forgot about the entity and became happy with our peaceful lives. One evening when we came back home the electricity was gone. It is common in many Indian cities even today that power gets cut off occasionally. So it was already dark and in pitch darkness we went up our flat using stairs. We opened the door, took the torch and lighted some candles. I went to the kitchen to fetch water. Kitchen was in one place in this house I did not like. Because the kitchen window used to open near the apartment stairs which meant there was no source for direct sunlight to enter the kitchen and it was mostly grey.

Anyway we took some water and snacks and then we decided what to cook. The electricity still had not been up. I went to kitchen to get ready things while my husband was getting freshened up to join me shortly. I had this candle on the platform and was pouring oil in a wok. Just above the platform were these wooden cupboards with doors. They were extended from the wall which means the top of the cupboards were flat extension from the wall where something can be kept or stored. The land owners had these very heavy glass panes around 2-4 of them on the top of this cupboard for future kitchen renovation work. Let me tell you these glass panes very well fitted the width of the cupboard top. I.e. The cupboard was 2-3 cm wider than the panes and so the panes were well settled inside the cupboard width with no part swinging outwards. They were very heavy and completely flat lying there safe and sound.

After I had hardly poured the oil and the wok was heating up, I heard a very high blasting sound right in front of me. Several thoughts came in my mind in a split second. Has the cylinder burst? No can’t be because I am still alive. Is it a blast on the road? No the sound has come right here in front of me. The candle had gone off so I could not see anything. By this time my husband had already come rushing to kitchen with candle in his hand and a panicked face as to what has happened. Now in the candle light I could see very small shards of glass spread all around on the platform, in the wok, on the floor and everywhere.

We both got confused. How can the glass panes fall on their own unless they don’t have an external force? There was no wind there anyway and even if there would have been, the panes were too heavy to be moved by wind. Can a home lizard do it? Lizards are common in Indian houses but they are just too small and weak to even move a pane by a millimeter. There was no cat or dog. And why would a cat go up the cupboard? The panes cannot fall on their own because as mentioned earlier they very well fit within the width of cupboard top without any of their part swinging out.

We had no option but to conclude it can be that entity the astrologer talked about. But what we thanked most was I was standing right in front of the platform right below the cupboard top. If the pane had fallen on my head I would be dead. But it didn’t although logically it cannot be explained why the pane skipped my head. I was singing bhajans while cooking as it is my normal habit so I think God was merciful on me.

After this incident we continued living there for another few months until the landlord asked us to vacate as he had his relatives move in.

I am still skeptical if there was an entity at all in the house or if my experiences can have any other logical explanation.


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