Real Ghost Story: Ghost Cell Phone Rings

Real Ghost Story: Ghost Cell Phone Rings – Over the past 3 nights I have had some recurring and very odd “calls” on my cell phone. The first happened early in the morning – 432am on the morning of Oct 16th 2010. I was lying in bed sleeping with my phone on placed beside me on a nightstand as I was on-call for work.

At the above mentioned time my cell phone, a blackberry 8350i, rang 3 times. I struggled to find the phone in the darkness, but did, flip it over to look at it and it was as if no-one had called. Usually two notifying icons light up with every call. I woke my girlfriend and asked if she had heard it ring, and she had. Yet, there was no record of any incoming call, message or anything on the phone. I have had the phone for about 2 years and this has never happened. The ring was distinctly the blackberry light speed notifier. The ring tone I always use when my phone is set to a normal ring. We joked about it being weird during the day, as we had just recently returned from New Hampshire’s – The Spalding Inn, where we had attempted some novice ghost hunting as it is supposed to be a haunted hotel.

Later that night I set my phone beside the bed again. At 303 am, again the phone rang 3 times in row with the light speed ring tone. I was shocked; my girlfriend heard it again this time as well. Again, there was no sign or record on the phone of any incoming call at all. No messages, icons, alerts or anything. I got up a few hours later and called my cell phone from my home phone to see it was working ok. The phone rang, and it was the BB pro 1 ring tone. I remembered at that moment that I had set my phone to the loud setting earlier the night before, and that this setting had a different ring tone than when set to normal. A shiver ran down my spine realizing that not only did my phone ring the second night in a row without a trace of the call on the phone, but it rang a ring tone that it was not even set on.

Whew… Going to bed on the 17th – last night as I write this, I really wondered if it would happen again. At 313am on October 18 (with my phone set the exact same as the night before) the phone again rang 3 times with the light speed ring tone. This time I picked it up in between the second and third rings and looked at the face of the phone, and it looked as if there was no incoming call at all. Yet for the third night in a row it rang 3 times with the same ring tone. Again there was no indication on the phone of any calls at all, and the last 2 night weren’t even set to that tone.

Tonight I’m not on call, but I’m going to leave my phone on set to normal to see if it happens again. My phone has never done this, only these 3 nights in a row so far. Has anyone ever heard of this kind of a thing before? I’m not sure it’s a ghost. But I really do think that it is. I would appreciate your comments or suggestions. I will keep you updated…


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