Real Ghost Story: Hauntings At Emerson – As mentioned in my first story, I saw the lady in white here; however, this house was haunted by multiple ghosts. The first thing I remember happening here started in the end of fall in Sparks about 2011. I was sitting in my room around 8 pm and I heard a tapping on my window, followed by silence, and a kitten meowing repeatedly outside my window. I opened my window and began searching for the kitten using a flashlight and found nothing.
The next night it happened again, except I went outside and could still hear the kitten crying out. However, there was nowhere it could be. As I got closer to the sound it would fade away, and I couldn’t hear the rustle of a cat moving through all the plants and bushes that were there. I went back to my room and heard the tapping resume and keep going until I went to bed.
A few days later it happened again and showed my parents but they couldn’t find an explanation for the tapping. Now, the window in my bedroom was at least 10 feet up from the ground but it was always a consistent steady tap, in a pattern of 5 taps followed by another 2-3 in succession. I found it odd but ignored it until it eventually stopped a couple weeks later.
Then I started hearing someone walking above my closet in the corner of the room, with incredibly heavy steps in a circle for a few hours, keeping me from sleep, until it eventually dissipated. This progressed to me waking up on the weekends to the sounds of my dogs howling and barking in the early mornings when I was home alone, and someone running back and forth across the ceiling of my house and suddenly stop. This happened a few times and each time it would create this feeling of panic in me, even though I was just lying in bed.
Then my friend at the time, Mark (who had not met my family yet), was over for dinner and kept looking at the doorway to my room. I simply ignored it thinking he was just being weird. But then, when my mom came home he asked me, “Hey, was that your mom just now?” Of course I said yes, and he then went on to tell me that for about an hour he saw a woman standing in the hallway but he could only see her arm against the doorway and her long black hair, looking at us.
About a week later I started noticing a woman’s arm in the peripherals of my vision every once in a while when the house was quiet and it would always be in the same spot. I’ve never seen it elsewhere in the house. I eventually told my older sister about it and she said one morning she remembers going to the bathroom and when she opened the door she saw a schoolgirl giving her this slightly agitated look by my door, saying nothing, and stood there for a long period of time unable to move, until she started to feel more panicked and sensed a growing anger from the girl. She said she had long black hair and very pale skin. She eventually was able or allowed to go back to her room and fell asleep with the dogs. As well she told me she could hear someone dragging there feet up and down the hallway extremely slowly at night, which would wake her and the dogs up.
One night I was trying to fall asleep in my room with my door closed, and in the corner I have these stack of miscellaneous papers because I’m a packrat. I started hearing someone pace my room from the door, to the TV, the closet and then to the front of my bed for about 5 minutes and stop in the middle of the room. For about a minute it was silent and I heard my papers fly EVERYWHERE and when it stopped I turned the light on and found them scattered everywhere. I left my room and went to living room for some water and a bit of relief from what just happened. When I returned, all the papers were put back where I had them, In the exact order I had them as well.
As well inside the house… The walls are paper thin, my dad’s snoring can be heard through my walls, but the weird thing is, you couldn’t hear anything from outside, even car alarms. Which doesn’t make sense because the house had the crappiest insulation. It was always freezing in the house even in the dead of summer, which in Nevada can be pretty hot. But all the sounds inside the house would be extremely loud no matter where you were. As well the animals never entered my mothers room which was next to mine, and would rarely enter into my room or my dad’s. And one of my dogs, Luca, refused to enter the hallway to the rooms when we first got her and would whine and cry.
Any ideas on why these spirit (s) are here or if anyone knows anything about the house? I’ll provide more info about the general location if you may happen to know.
More experiences to come.
Source: yourghoststories