Real Ghost Story: Maybe It’s Family

Real Ghost Story: Maybe It’s Family – I am a woman in my 30’s now but story starts back when I was 12 years old. My mom was a single mom to 3 kids… Me and my 2 younger brothers. My mom sacrificed a lot for her kids, so she gave the 3 of us the 3 bedrooms and she slept on the couch.

One night after we all went to bed, I remembered I needed to tell my mom something so I got out of bed and walked to the living room. I started talking to her and she told me to turn on the light so I went to do it and when I touched the light switch, a hand touched the top of my hand. It wasn’t my hand just bumping something, it was a hand on top of mine. I felt the palm and the fingers on my hand. I pulled my hand away from the light switch, thinking my mom had decided to turn the light on herself. The light didn’t come on so I reached back again and turned it on and my mom was still laying on the couch. She never got up.

A few weeks later I was sick and stayed home from school. My mom had to work and brothers went to school so I was home alone. I was laying down watching TV and I started hearing dishes clanging together in the kitchen and what sounded like footsteps. There was no one there when I checked. I called my aunt and waited outside until she got there. I didn’t hear or feel anything else for 3 more years.

When I was 15, my friend and I was hanging out in an old room in a pool hall my grandfather owned. There was an old pool table in the room and my friend and I were sitting on it in the dark talking about stuff. She nudged my arm and told me to look in the doorway to the bathroom. There was a shadow figure there. It was short like a kid about our age or so. We could see the outline of a human shape perfectly and before either of us could move, the pool balls started rolling across the table and falling in the pockets. Needless to say we were very scared and ran out of that room. Once again I didn’t see or hear anything for a few years.

At the age of 21 I was married and had my first baby. We lived in an old family home. My husband would leave for work every morning around 4:00am and that would be the time our baby girl would wake up for a bottle. While feeding and rocking her, I would start smelling pipe tobacco like the older men smoked. I have asthma so it would be an overwhelming smell like someone was sitting right next to me smoking it. That would be an every morning thing. By the time our daughter was 2, she would tell she saw a man in her bedroom. We sometimes wonder if it was an older family member that died there. Great, great grandfather.

As the years went by my husband and I both heard a baby cry, things would go missing then show back up in a place we have already looked just seconds before. Our babies would get still and stare off and then start laughing like they were seeing and playing with someone.

Another night I woke up around 3:00am to go to the bathroom and even though we’ve been married 16 years, I still don’t allow my husband in the bathroom with me. This night I didn’t lock the door because the kids and husband were all sleeping. I heard footsteps walking toward the bathroom door. Assuming it was my husband, I yelled out and said not to open the door. The footsteps stopped right outside the door so I opened it expecting him to be standing there but he wasn’t. No one was. He was still asleep in our bed. The kids were all asleep still also.

I haven’t heard or seen anything for maybe 2 years now but sometimes I get the creepy feeling of being watched and some nights I get goosebumps all over my arms and legs because the feeling of someone watching me gets too overwhelming. I feel like the footsteps and pipe smoke could be from our great great grandfather that built the house.

My first born daughter is now 13. She’s one that is not afraid of anything. She likes to sleep with all lights off, bedroom door shut. Been like that for years.

When she was 11 she woke me up during the night scared like I’ve never seen before. She said she was asleep and something woke her. She said it felt like someone was throwing tiny rocks or something of the sort at her from her closet. She said she laid there and it kept happening. She ran to us. Of course we checked and all doors and windows were still locked and no one was in the house. She slept on a pallet on our bedroom floor for a full week before being brave enough to return to her own room.

Even to this day she still sleeps in her room but says sometimes it feels like someone sits down next to her on her bed. She has a bunk bed. She’s told us she heard her school books moving on her bottom bunk one night and heard the bed squeak like someone pushed the books over and sat down. She’s also said she heard a noise on her floor and saw a dark figure crawl real fast from her door toward her bed. That was another time she once again slept in our room. This time almost 2 weeks.

I don’t know if this is the family member that died or something else. And if so, why seem so harmless to begin with but scares my daughter by throwing things and crawling across the floor? Could it be 2 different things? Why have I stopped hearing and seeing things about the time my daughter started hearing and seeing things?

Source: yourghoststories


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