Real Ghost Story: Shocked To Bits

Real Ghost Story: Shocked To Bits – First of all, before I start my story, I want to give a little introduction about me. Most of you may know that I have experienced a lot the past 2 years, my past experiences are all those that I have posted earlier on here. My name’s Shenara to start with, and I turned 14 on the 30th of December ’07. I migrated to New Zealand on the 6th of feb, for 2 reasons, #1, because my father lives here, and second, because of the situation in Sri Lanka, war is breaking out. Now onto the story (this happened while I was in Sri Lanka).

It was just me, my uncle and cousins. We were on our way home after a party. I was to sleep over at their house that night. So we got down. And he got a call. He cut the line and said “Okay you all, I just got a call from the police department and they need to see me, and I’m sure you guys are too tired to come with me, there’s somebody gone missing, so I’ll see you tomorrow or so”. We smiled half asleep and said “we want to come!”. He laughed and said “hop in then” we laughed, and jumped in. My uncle has this habit of having the radio on really loud. And maybe it was to keep him awake. It was around 3 in the morning I assume. After 10 minutes, we all fell asleep.

As he was driving, he could see a lady in a white night gown, walking along the road, and he realized that was odd, so he drove close to her, and opened the door, offering her a lift. (this part where he was driving had no houses, just fields). She smiled and got in, she looked like she was in her late 20’s. Really fair, and brown eyes. As she got into the car, the radio went blank, it made a weird shhh noise, like when you’re trying to tune the radio. He groaned and switched off the radio. So he asked “where about do you live?” He had his eyes glued to the road. After a few minutes, no answer, so he looked at the front seat, and nobody was there. He shook his head and turned his head back towards the road and hit the breaks. We all woke up wondering what happened, and what the five of us saw, made me and the 3 of my cousins scream. There was a lady floating in thin air, in a sleeping position (like lying down on a bed). Her face had a blank expression, but her eyes spoke a thousand words. Her eyes were looking right at me, she tilted her head up, as if she wanted to take a good look at me she smiled in a way I felt very uncomfortable in. Instantly we all closed our eyes and held hands and started to pray as hard as we could. Finally after about 15 minutes of praying, we all opened our eyes, and there was nothing.

We all looked at each other in relief. And finally we got to the cop shed, all of us wide awake and alert. The cops looked the same. We all sat around a glass table talking about the missing person. It was a girl, 28, Sujatha Ananda (a typical native name). She had gone missing last night. We looked at each other, a bit uncomfortable. Mr Wright, one of the cops, we call him Chingy. We know most of the cops really well. Chingy said “what?” My uncle sighed. He’s known best for finding missing persons and ghost hunts as I like to call it. “I saw a girl walking down Evergreen park…” (he explained what happened). And they just looked at us in a concerned look. I had goose bumps all over me. We all got up, and decided we need to find the body. And since she was in a night gown, we decided to trace where she might have walked from her house, to Evergreen Park.

We got into the cop cars, I adore getting in one of them. And we set off to her house, then from there, the 3 cop cars decided which roads to take, we got back in the cars and began to search for her. The 3 of us in the back held torches on each side of the road, looking for signs of life. Finally we came to a building, in the middle on plain grass and tees, which was built by some university students for a project 30 years ago, now abandoned. We heard one of the windows banging, it was a 5 story building, and the on the fifth floor, a window was open and banging, we walked around the building, our hearts beating fast, and on the other side, we found the body, we covered our noses, and I just stared at the pool of blood. She had committed suicide. She died smiling, which was scary, Chingy put on a glove, and closed her eyes with his 2 fingers. We looked at my uncle a bit upset, we all held hands and prayed over her. Chingy took out his cell phone and took a call. He put his phone in his pocket and said “the p.d will send someone to get the body…” After about half an hour, they finally arrived, and took the body away. That was quite an experience, I hope you all liked my story. Feel free to comment. Thanks for reading! Take care and good luck always.

Source: yourghoststories


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