True Creature Story: The Noisemaker
True Creature Story: The Noisemaker - The human body has a natural response to fear. It’s built into us, it helps us survive. It’s...
Real Vampire Sighting Accounts
Real Vampire Sighting Accounts - Though far more rare than werewolf or ghost sightings, sightings of vampires have been reported at various locations across...
Mermaid Mythology
Mermaid Mythology - The roots of mermaid mythology are more varied than one would expect. In modern myth we tend to see mermaids in...
The Mothman Legend
The Mothman Legend - In 1966,a small town in West Virginia became home to the Mothman legend - one of modern mythology's most powerful...
The Thunderbird Myth
The Thunderbird Myth - The thunderbird myth comes from Native American mythology, ranging from tribes in the Pacific Northwest to tribes in the Southeastern...
The Shapeshifter
The Shapeshifter - There are many variations on the shapeshifter concept throughout mythology. In fact, it is such a powerful archetype that the term...