The Anunnaki and Their Human Hybrids – The Global Elite
The Anunnaki and Their Human Hybrids - The Global Elite - The reader, who has followed me this far may wonder; if Marduk and...
Tom Paine on Freemasonry: Part 2
Tom Paine on Freemasonry: Part 2 - It is said, II Kings xxiii, 5, "And put down all the idolatrous priests . ....
Tom Paine on Freemasonry: Part 1
Tom Paine on Freemasonry: Part 1 - It is always understood that Freemasons have a secret which they carefully conceal; but from everything that...
Proof that the USA is Controlled by Jesuits And Foreign Corporations
Proof that the USA is Controlled by Jesuits And Foreign Corporations - One of the greatest tricks that the New World Order (NWO) did...
Obama’s Jesuit Connections Surface
Obama’s Jesuit Connections Surface - Most Americans in fact see no harm in Obama kissing the Pope’s red satanic shoes or making Jesuit Georgetown...
The 7 Most Exclusive Secret Societies in History
The 7 Most Exclusive Secret Societies in History - Freemasons reportedly have a number of secret handshakes that they employ when meeting fellow travelers....