The Brotherhood of Death I – After its founding, Russell and friends hoisted a pirate flag as a symbol and talisman of their brotherhood. The pirate flag has an obvious meaning: death. Pirates are terrorists, murderers, marauders, cutthroats and thieves, answerable to no one, above the law, and without morals and scruples.
Soon after its establishment at Yale, the Order of Skull and Bones began to develop an unsavory reputation (17).
In October of 1876, an investigative article on The Order, appeared in Volume 1, Number 1, of “The Iconoclast.” The Iconoclast was published off campus, in New Haven, “because the college press is closed to those who dare to openly mention Bones’.”
The Iconoclast reported evidence of Satanism, i.e. walls covered in black, and in room 322, the… “sanctum sanctorium of the temple…[was] furnished in red velvet…[with] a pentagram on the wall… and in the hall….pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale, and of members of the Society in Germany, when the chapter was established here in 1832.”The Iconoclast goes on to report that, “Out of every class Skull and Bones takes its men. They have gone out into the world and have become in many instances, leaders in society. No doubt they are worthy men in themselves, but the many, whom they looked down upon while in college, cannot so far forget as to give money freely into their hands. Bones men care far more for their society than they do for the college.”
“At first the society held its meetings in hired halls; in 1856, the ‘tomb,’ a vine-covered, windowless, brown-stone hall was built. This is where they hold their strange, occultist initiation rites and meet each Thursday and Sunday.”
“Year by year the deadly evil is growing,” The Iconoclast warned. “The society was never as obnoxious as it is today. Never before has it shown such arrogance and self-fancied superiority. It grasps… and endeavors to rule. It clutches at power with the silence of conscious guilt… a society guilty of serious and far-reaching crimes.”
An uninvited “guest” to the tomb reported seeing:
“On the west wall, an old engraving representing an open burial vault, in which, on a stone slab, rest four human skulls, grouped about a fools cap and bells, an open book, several mathematical instruments, a beggar’s script, and a royal crown (17,18). On the arched wall above the vault are the explanatory words, in Roman letters, ‘We War Der Thor, Wer Weiser, Wer Bettler Oder, Kaiser?’ and below the vault is engraved, in German characters, the sentence; ‘Ob Arm, Ob Beich, im Tode gleich.’”
The English translation of the German words reads as follows:
“Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all’s the same in death.”
And what does that mean? There are no morals. There is no right or wrong. The ends justify the means. Everything ends the same, “in death.”
For the next 30 years after its founding, various members of The Order of Skull and Bones made a pilgrimage to Germany and the University of Berlin (17). The University of Berlin was Ground Zero for the study of Hegelian principles and the “scientific method” as applied to business, government, education, psychology, and the acquisition of power and wealth.
In Germany, the state had taken complete responsibility for the education of children. The purpose of a German education was to mold the character and thinking of all German citizens and to make them obedient to the German state (1).
These Hegelian principles were absorbed by the visiting Bonesman, three of which, upon returning to America, applied these principles at home (17).
Timothy Dwight (class of 1849) became Professor in the Yale Divinity School and then 12th President of Yale University. Daniel Coit Gilman (class of 1852) became the first President of the University of California, first President of the Johns Hopkins University and first President of the Carnegie Institution. Andrew Dickson White (class of 1853) became the first President of Cornell University.
For these three “Bonesmen,” a university education was the key to shaping the thoughts, prejudices, and ideas of future generations and training those who would someday become the future leaders of America. Of course, these noble “Bonesmen” had no interest in providing a university education to the masses.
A university education was only for the children of the rich and powerful; men who would seek to fulfill the Hegelian dialectic and the eventual creation of a New World Order which would be ruled over by the moneyed elite.
1). Phenomenology of Spirit; Philosophy of History; Science of Logic; The Philosophy of Right; by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
17). Anthony Sutton, “America’s Secret Establishment: An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones” Liberty House, New York. 1986.
18). Ron Rosenbaum, “The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones,” Esquire Magazine, September, 1977; Peggy Alder-Robohm, “Skull and Bones – Bush’s Boy’s Club,” Covert Action Quarterly No. 33, 1990; John Schrag, “Skeleton in His Closet,” Willamette Week, September 19- 25, 1991; David W. Dunlap, “Yale Society Resists Peeks Into Its Crypt,” New York Times, 11/4/88.
Source: bibliotecapleyades