UKUSA Agreement, 1940-1956 – The tradition of intelligence sharing between NSA and its Second party partners has deep and widespread roots that have been cultivated for almost three quarters of a century. During World War II, the U.S. Army and Navy each developed independent foreign SIGINT relationships with the British and the Dominions of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. These relations evolved and continued across the decades. The bonds, forged in the heat of a world war and tempered by decades of trust and teamwork, remain essential to future intelligence successes.
The March 5, 1946, signing of the BRUSA (now known as UKUSA) Agreement marked the reaffirmation of the vital WWII cooperation between the United Kingdom and United States. Over the next 10 years, appendices to the Agreement, some of which are included with this release to the public, were drafted and revised. These appendices and their annexures provide details of the working relationship between the two partners and also address arrangements with the other Second Parties (Australia, Canada, and New Zealand).
Early Papers (1940-1944)
- Agreement between British Government Code and Cipher School and U.S. War Department in Regard to Certain “Special Intelligence” – 10 June 1943
- An Agreement between the U.S. Army and British CG and CS Concerning Cooperation in Matters Relating to Communication Intelligence – 23 June 1943
- U.S. – British R.I. (“BRUSA”) Circuit – 7 Jan. 1944
- U.S. – British R.I. (“BRUSA”) Circuit: Instructions for Use – 14 March 1944
- The BRUSA Circuit – Establishment Date – 29 April 1944
- Memorandum for GI-P Watch Officers – BRUSA System – 23 June 1944
- BRUSA Traffic – 23 June 1944
- OP-20-G Dispatch Traffic (Including BRUSA) – 26 June 1944
- British-U.S. Agreement on German and Japanese Projects – 4 July 1944
- An Agreement between GC & CS and Negat on Japanese Cryptanalytic Tasks – 23 Oct. 1944
- Memorandum from Army-Navy Communications Intelligence Board (ANCIB) re: Signals Intelligence – 22 Aug. 1945
- Joint Meeting of ANCIB and ANCICC – 15 Oct. 1945
- Joint Meeting of ANCIB and ANCICC – 29 Oct. 1945
- Draft British-U.S. Communication Intelligence Agreement – 1 Nov. 1945
- Joint Meeting of Army-Navy Communications Intelligence Board, Joint Meeting Summary –
1 Nov. 1945
- STANCICC Ad Hoc Subcommittee for Technical Conference Planning, Establishing of –
14 Jan. 1946 - Draft British-U.S. Communications Intelligence Agreement, Proposed Revision of –
15 Jan. 1946 - Draft British- U.S. Communications Agreement – Accepted by British – 16 Jan. 1946
- Draft British-U.S. Communications Agreement Referred by STANCIB for Approval – Not dated
- Preparation and Delivery of Drafts of Tentative British-U.S. COMINT Agreement – 18 Jan. 1946
- Appendix to BRUSA CI Agreement: British-U.S. COMINT Security and Dissemination Regulations – 22 Jan. 1946
- British-U.S. Communications Intelligence Security and Dissemination Regulations –
30 Jan. 1946 - Appendix to British-U.S. CI Agreement, Regulations for the Coordination of Cryptanalysis, Traffic Analysis, and Associated Techniques – 5 Feb. 1946
- Appendix to British-U.S. CI Agreement – Regulations for the Coordination of the Exchange of Collateral Material – Not dated
- Communications Intelligence – 8 Feb. 1946
- Copies of Draft Appendices to British-US CI Agreements – 12 Feb. 1946
- Joint Meeting of STANCIB and STANCICC – 15 Feb. 1946
- U.S.-British Agreement and FBI Membership on STANCIB – 19 Feb. 1946
- Appendices A-G to British-U.S. CI Agreement, British – U.S. Communications Intelligence Security and Dissemination Regulations – 26 Feb. 1946
- STANCIB and STANCICC Joint Meeting – 27 Feb. 1946
- Corrections to BRUSA CI Appendices Dated 26 Feb. 1946 – 28 Feb. 1946
- Corrections to BRUSA CI Appendices – 1 March 1946
- British-U.S. Communications Intelligence Agreement and Outline – 5 March 1946
- Minutes of the Inauguration Meeting British Signal Intelligence Conference –
11–27 March 1946 - Final Recommendation of the Technical Conference, 11–27 March 1946
- Appendices to U.S.-British Communications Agreement – 15–26 July 1948
- Tabular Comparison of 1946 and 1948 Appendices to U.S. – British COMINT Agreement