Wingless rectangular UFO videotaped over Indiana

Wingless rectangular UFO videotaped over Indiana – An Indiana witness at Sellersburg reported watching and videotaping a rectangle-shaped UFO crossing the clear blue sky, according to testimony in Case 56640 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was walking to his car about 6:30 p.m. on May 26, 2014, when the object was first noticed and thought to be an airliner.

โ€œIt was moving from west to east at high altitude and at a comparable speed to an airliner in my estimation,โ€ the witness stated.โ€œAs I looked closer, I noticed the object did not appear to have wings.โ€

The witness then began taking photos and videos of the object with his phone.

โ€œAfter the object was far enough away so as not to be visible, I got in my car and cropped the photos down to get a closer look. It was then that I was pretty sure that what I had just saw was no conventional aircraft. It appeared to have no wings or tailwing. It also appeared to be rectangular in shape, with a perfectly squared front and back. Did not look at all aerodynamic in the pictures. I shared the video and pictures with a friend who is a UPS pilot, and while he cannot completely rule out the possibility it was an airplane, he is equally puzzled by the rectangular shape and lack of visible wings.โ€


Sellersburg is a town located within Silver Creek Township, Clark County, Indiana, population 6,128. Indiana MUFON Field Investigator Patrick Oโ€™Brien closed the case as an Unknown. The case was reported to MUFON on May 26, 2014.

โ€œThe object could have been military,โ€ Oโ€™Brien stated in his report,โ€œbut no jet aircraft at the local Air Guard Base, only C-130 aircraft.It is highly unlikely this would have been a military flight as described. It is in more keeping with other similar reports that have been received in the state.โ€


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