Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer posts UFO interview video
Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer posts UFO interview video - In October 1978, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer Jim Blackwood responded to a...
Navy missile test causes UFO scare
Navy missile test causes UFO scare - A Navy missile test startled California residents Saturday night, many of whom captured incredible pictures and video...
Witness captures UFOs interacting in California
Witness captures UFOs interacting in California - A California witness at Castro Valley submitted video of multiple UFOs believed to be “communicating with light...
Black Eyed Kids: Come Play With Me
Black Eyed Kids: Come Play With Me - Stepping through the doorway I had to hold up a hand to cover my eyes. The...
Interdimensional Floating City seen All Over The World?
Interdimensional Floating City seen All Over The World? - A little while ago I wrote an article on here about a huge ‘floating city’...
UFO sighting: Residents in Siberia spot mysterious
UFO sighting: Residents in Siberia spot mysterious - A woman was with her son when she reported seeing a 'glowing' light above Ulan-Ude...