Pennsylvania witness describes UFO as size of football stadium
Pennsylvania witness describes UFO as size of football stadium - A Pennsylvania witness at Erie County recalled a 22-year-old UFO encounter with an object...
Beware the Black Eyed Kids
Beware the Black Eyed Kids - A few nights ago, I was reading up on the phenomena of Black Eyed Kids (BEKs), and I...
Dark triangle UFO hovers over Nevada town
Dark triangle UFO hovers over Nevada town - A Nevada witness at Pahrump reported watching and videotaping a “very large and hovering” triangle-shaped UFO...
Iowa triangle UFO appeared to cloak itself
Iowa triangle UFO appeared to cloak itself - An Iowa witness at Cedar Falls reported watching a silent, triangle-shaped UFO moving in a straight...
Black Eyed Kids Encounter
Black Eyed Kids Encounter - One of the major complaints people have with Black Eyed Kids stories is that they tend to fall into...
Oregon witnesses describe lights moving across property
Oregon witnesses describe lights moving across property - An Oregon witness at Veneta reported watching a bright white light about the size of a...