Is it Possible to Weigh the Human Soul ?
Is it Possible to Weigh the Human Soul ? - At the beginning of the 20th century a doctor in Massachusetts attempted to weigh...
Australian UFO Sightings Are On The Rise
Australian UFO Sightings Are On The Rise - Through the course of 2015 there has been an increase in ufo sightings in Australia. The...
10 Unexplained Paranormal Events That Changed History
10 Unexplained Paranormal Events That Changed History - When history reaches a fork in its path, most often its fate is decided by powers...
Bright Orbs caught on Camera in the UK
Bright Orbs caught on Camera in the UK - One of the most popular sightings reported to our website has to those large white...
Paranormal Integrity
Paranormal Integrity - The truth vs. hype. As paranormal investigators, I feel we should not be in competition with each other. I see it...
California witness videotapes low flying triangle UFO
California witness videotapes low flying triangle UFO - A California witness at Rancho Cordova reported watching and videotaping a low flying, triangle-shaped UFO that...